Chapter 23: True Intentions

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18/9/15 Dorm Y/N POV

I was sitting at the table on the boys living floor, looking outside the window to see the rain pouring down. I then hear the sounds of feet walking towards my location. I turn my head around to see Shinjiro walking towards me.

Shinjiro: "Hey, I got something to ask you."

Y/N: "Yeah. What is it?"

Shinjiro starts walking over to my room and get up and quickly follow suit. Once we're inside I shut the door and sit down on my chair, while Shinjiro sits on my other chair.

Y/N: "What do you want to talk about?"

Shinjiro: "What was Ken doing Yesterday?"

Y/N: "*sigh* He was at the shrine. That's it."

Shinjiro: "So he was talking to his mother again."

Y/N: "How did you?"

Shinjiro: "He told me about it."

Y/N: "Oh."

Shinjiro: "There is something I want to tell you. The reason why Ken's mother is dead... Is because of... me."

I was taken aback, and surprised to hear this information. I then noticed Shinjiro grabbing this hand trying to stop it from shaking but it wielded no effect.

Shinjiro: "I was dumb and stupid back then... I should have taken in my surroundings before letting loose."

Y/N: "What happened?"

Shinjiro: "Well, it was back when I joined. There was a shadow that appeared outside Tartarus so me and Aki rushed over to where the shadow was detected. The shadow knocked out Aki quickly after we found it, so I chased after by myself. The chase led me to the behind of Port Island Station... I was stupid and inexperienced, I didn't notice Ken and his mother. My persona went berserk and damaged the shadow but it also hit Ken's mother killing her. I heard the scream which I'll never forget. It caused me to look over to see Ken shaking his mother trying to wake her up. My persona disappeared and the shadow fled. I soon followed leaving Ken holding his dead mother. It's the reason why I take those drugs... To forget. But I don't forget, my body will never allow me to forget."

I stay quiet visualising the events Shinjiro told me. It terrifies me to my core.

Y/N: "..."

I try to say something but all I do is small hand gestures.

Shinjiro: "It's alright. I don't deserve any words of remorse for my actions."

I then see the moon arcana float in my line of sight.

 Arcana: 'Thou aren't I... And I am thou... Thou hast increase their bond... It brings closer to the truth... Thou hast increased the Moon arcana to their seventh level.'

I then see the card disappear.

Shinjiro: "Based on how you look, you can see what happened that night. The true fear, sadness, and cowardice. I think that's enough for now."

Shinjiro stands up and leaves me to my thoughts.

Insanity: 'I'm sorry.'

Y/N: "It's alright. It taught the true nature of the world."

Time skip 20/9/15 Dorm

The typhoon was going on and it seemed like it stopped anytime today leaving everyone inside. I walked inside seeing everyone spent their time inside by themselves or having small talk with each other, all but one. Hamuko was nowhere to be seen after a bit of searching I found her in the fourth-floor meeting room sitting by herself looking outside into the rain. From the looks of it, Hamuko looked like she just gotten out of bed.

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