Chapter 24: Deep Breath

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12/10/15 Iwatodai Station Y/N POV

The bright rays of the midday sun illuminated the streets. I was on my way to the beef bowl shop since Dorm was locked, and someone took my key from my pants.

Insanity: 'Just to let you know someone took your clothes off without your permission?'

Y/N (Thoughts): 'That does explain the shirt, but I'm still wearing the pants from that night though.'

Insanity: 'Pants would be a little to far with your... ranking.'

Y/N (thoughts): 'True I guess.'

I open the doors to the beef bowl shop revealing a quite shop with only a couple of people sitting by themselves enjoying a bowl. I walk over to the front counter and order my usual meal.

Insanity: 'I wonder what happen while you were asleep.'

Y/N (thoughts): 'Nothing to sericeous I hope... At least Shinjiro's alive.'

Insanity: 'Yeah but nearly kill yourself in the process.'

Y/N (Thoughts): 'Yeah. Yeah. I get it. I won't do it again okay.'

Insanity: 'For some reason I don't believe you.'

Y/N (thoughts): 'Understandable with my track record.'

I then hear a bowl be placed in front of me.

Y/N: "Thank you."

Y/N (thoughts): 'I wonder how everyone is feeling right now. I wonder if mum and dad knows what happen.'

Insanity: 'Highly unlikely I think Mitsuru was just waiting hoping you'll wake up before she had to tell them.'

Y/N (thoughts): 'At least Shinjiro's alive.'

Insanity: 'That is positive in this situation. You saved someone.'

I then see a card hover down to my eye level.

Arcana: 'Thou aren't I... And I am thou... Thou hast increase their bond... It brings closer to the truth... Thou hast increase the Rev. World arcana to their eighth level.' 

The then evaporates into the air. I finish my bowl and reach my hand into my pocket to then realize I don't have my wallet on me. I look up at the owner and he just sighs.

Owner: "Just this once it's on the house."

He gives a small smile and I bow to the owner.

Y/N: "Thank you so much."

I then leave the establishment and head to the station.

Y/N (thoughts): 'Where shall we go now?'

Insanity: 'You want to go to school.'

Y/N (thoughts): 'I rather not but I got nothing better to do so why not.'

I aboard the quite train and then, walk my way to the school grounds. When I reached the premises I walk right through the gate and notice some 1st year students talking to each other and eating food near the entrance to the school. They give me a confuse look but didn't care enough to ask the question on why I'm here. When I enter the building I feel the same stares as I felt with students outside, but I just shrug it off and walk up the stairs to the second floor and enter my classroom. Only a small percentage of the class was in there and when they saw me enter the room they had a surprise and yet confuse face. I look over to where I normally sit to see that Fuuka isn't in the room at the moment. I walk over to my seat and collapse into the chair. Minutes pass and I hear the bell ring. I see more of my class enter and give me a confuse stare. After a couple more students walk in I see a familiar teal hair girl walk into the room. Instantly her eyes lock on to me, and I just give her a small wave. Fuuka then rushes over to me and hugs me. I was taken aback by her sudden action but I still pat her back trying to calm her down.

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