Chapter 9: Life Goes ON

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Y/N POV 10/5/15 Dorm Morning

I was sitting at my desk browsing through the internet for then my phone going off with an unknown number. 

Y/N: "Hello?"

Voice on the phone: "Hello, this is Margaret."

Margaret: "I'm informing you that the path that was blocked is now open... I wish you a safe journey."

The phone then ended before I could reply.

Time skip evening Paulownia mall

I was walking around the paulownia mall trying to find something to do. 

Y/N (Thoughts): 'I could get some coffee, or go to the arcade, maybe karaoke. Don't really feel like doing that. (looking at the hallway with a blue light emitting out of it) What's that over there.'  

I walk over to the hallway and look inside to see the same door in Tartarus and the night I save Yukari.

Y/N (Thoughts): 'Ain't that the door to the Velvet room.'

I take out the velvet key an open the door and I get welcome 

Igor: "Welcome to the velvet room. Any reasons you're here this time."

Y/N: "Not really, maybe some advice."

Igor: "I'll let Margaret help you then."

After Igor said that Igor then disappeared leaving only Margaret and me.

Margaret: "So did you have any questions." 

Y/N: "Not really... Do you want to do anything."

Margaret: "There is something."

Y/N: "Ok, what is it?"

Margaret: "Could you show me around in your world."

Y/N: "Sure, let's get going shall we."

Margaret: "Ok."

We then leave the Velvet room and I started showing Margaret around Paulownia mall. Stopping in front of a coffee.

Y/N: "Want to go inside and get some coffee."

Margaret: "Sure... Just to let you know I never had coffee before." 

Y/N: "I think you might like it."

We walk inside and sit down at one of the tables, then order our drinks. Once we get our coffee Margaret picks it up and starts drinking it.

Margaret: "This is great... I see why you like it so much."

Y/N: "Yeah it's great. I now just thought of a question. Why do I access to the velvet room, I'm not wildcard."

Margaret: "But you are special with a special ability, you just need to unlock, and I'm here to help you. It might take a little bit longer but you'll get your first social link soon enough. Your power though I don't understand it."

Y/N: "Aren't you suppose to know everything though."

Margaret: "I don't know everything but I will sooner or later, just like you."

Y/N: "Maybe your right."

We continue to talk about what to do here but when we finished we returned back to the velvet room. 

Margaret: "I'll tell you when I want to do that again."

Y/N: "Ok, see you time."

I then leave the velvet room and walked back to the dorm. Once back at the dorm the twins were sitting down on the couch waiting but when I entered they looked at me like they wanted to talk so when I walked by I smiled saying.

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