Chapter 25: Last Operation

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I've nether mention this but Insanity naturely speaks English since that's your native tongue, I've just forgot to mention a while back anyway enjoy.

28/10/15 Evening Dorm Y/N POV

I was sitting in my room browsing reddit to then hear a knock come from my door.

Y/N: "Come in." 

The door opens and Ken walks in and sits on the other chair in my room.

Ken: "Sorry if I interrupting anything but I just want to say something."

Y/N: "Oh, it's okay. What do you want to say?"

Ken: "Well I just want to thank you for saving Shinjiro."

Y/N: "Oh, I... I'm glad... I don't know but I accept your thank you."

Ken: "Hey can I tell you something."

Y/N: "Yeah, you tell me anything."

Ken: "That day I realised that no one wanted what to my mother to happen, but I denied the truth... I fought that Shinjiro killed my mother on purpose because he could... There was apart of me that didn't want to believe, that couldn't believe that... But I chose to ignored it and choice the path of revenge..."

Y/N: "I can't blame you for taking that path revenge... It's the easiest path to understand because your brain can just fill in the parts that don't make sense with nonsense. You should be happy that you didn't kill and that you didn't make a ginormous mistake."

Ken: "Thanks Y/N..."

I then see the Justice Arcana descend from the air.

Arcana: 'Thou aren't I... And I am thou... Thou hast increase their bond... It brings closer to the truth... Thou hast increase the Justice arcana to their Sixth level.'  

The tarot card disappears back into the air. 

Y/N: "Just know you made the right decision."

Ken gives me a small nod and we continue talking eventually playing games as well.

Time skip 29/10/15 After School Gekkoukan High

I was walking down the hall to then bump into Junpei.

Junpei: "Hey! Oh, hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Hello. Where are you off too?"

Junpei: "Well you know just going to see Chidori."

Y/N: "How is she?"

Junpei: "She's alright."

Y/N: "Still only talks to you."

Junpei: "Yeah."

Y/N: "You lucky bastard."

I give him a playful punch on the shoulder. Junpei rubs the back of his head.

Junpei: "Hehe, thanks man."

Y/N: "If you ever need help, I can give some advice."

Junpei: "I might take that up."

I then see the Magician arcana appear from the air.

Arcana: 'Thou aren't I... And I am thou... Thou hast increase their bond... It brings closer to the truth... Thou hast increase the Magician arcana to their Fourth level.'

The tarot card then disappears.

Y/N: "Well I let you go see Chidori. Take it easy Junpei."

Junpei: "See ya Y/N."

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