chapter 4: Welcome 2, Electric boogaloo

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Author Note 

Hey I changed my writing style for this chapter so you can more easily tell who is speaking and thinking. If any important detail happens it would be put in brackets. I hope and the picture is from the P3 portable's opening. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Minato POV Location Iwatodai station April 7

Me and my sister were on a train heading to Iwatodai with our headphones on. It was around the eleven o'clock when we got off the train and started walking the exit. I keep on looking at the piece of paper in my hand telling where Me and Hamuko are going to stay and the the school we are going to attend at. Then everything turned off, the sky turn green, and the moon turned yellow. I take off my headphones and look at the sky.

Minato: "That's odd."

I then hear Hamuko move closer to me.

Hamuko: "Let's get to the dorm."

I give her a nod and looked down at the paper. 

Minato (thinking): 'This is going to take a bit.'

We walked by the coffins and what I presume blood on the floor to reach the address of the dorm on the paper.

Minato: "This should be it." 

We both open the doors and walk into a well light room, then a mysterious boy behind address the both of us.

Mysterious Boy: You're late. I've been waiting a long time for you." 

Then the boy snaps and two red notebooks appear on the desk making Hamuko jump in here skin.

Mysterious Boy: Now if you want to proceed, please sign your name there. It's a contract. Don't worry, all it says is that you'll accept full responsibility for your actions. You know, the usual stuff."

We both write our names on the contracts and then look back at the boy.

Mysterious Boy: "No one can escape time. It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes."

The boy takes the contract and he turns it to its side making it disappear. Hamuko had a surprise expression on her face.

Mysterious Boy: "And so it begins."

The boy walks into the darkness and disappears and the lights turn off. A girl then walks into the room.

Girl in pink: "Who's there?"

The girl reaches for the gun on her leg but a voice calls out to her.

Female voice: "Takeba, wait!" 

The girl looks back at the girl with red hair, then the everything turn back on and everything turn back to normal.

Redhead: "I didn't think you'd arrive so late. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. I'm one of the students who live in this dorm."

Girl in pink: "Who's he?"

I see a boy with h/c, walk down the stairs, to then stand next to Mitsuru.

Mitsuru: "They are transfer students. It was a last minute decision to assign them here. They both eventually be moved to a room in the dorms."

h/c Boy: "Is it okay for them to be here?"

Mitsuru: I guess we'll see... (looks at me and Hamuko) This is Yukari Takeba and Y/N L/N. Yukari will be  junior this spring, just like you, while Y/N will be in the year below you." 

Yukari/Y/N: "Hey."

Hamuko: "Hello I'm Hamuko and this is my brother Minato." 

Minato: "Why do you have a gun?"

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