Chapter 30: One More Day

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21/1/16 School After School 

I was in class talking to Fuuka about the Fall, to then be interrupted by Mitsuru.

Mitsuru: "Am I interrupting?"

Fuuka: "No, it's quite alright."

Y/N: "What's wrong?"

Mitsuru: "Y/N, can you come with me to the student council room. I have something to discuss."

Y/N: "Okay. Let's talk later Fuuka."

Fuuka: "Sure."

I then get up and walk with Mitsuru to the student council room. Once inside, I see Minato and Hamuko waiting for us.

Mitsuru: "This may come as a surprise to some of you, but there's something you have to know. Chidori has a chance that she may wake up today."

Minato and Hamuko are confused while I'm excited.

Mitsuru: "I know what you're going to say... and yes, we did see her die in front of our eyes. However... her body began to undergo Transmogification a few days after the incident. For the past few weeks, she has been in a state that is neither living nor dead."

Minato: "How did this happen?"

Mitsuru: "I don't know. It may be related to her persona abilities, but that's mere speculation. But what I wanted to talk to you all about... is your opinion on how to break the news to Iori. You see, she's probably--"

Before Mitsuru could finish her sentence her phone starts ringing. She glances down at it, then answers the call and put it to her ear.

Mitsuru: "Mitsuru here... I see... Yes, I understand."

The call then ends and Mitsuru puts her phone away in her pocket.

Mitsuru: "That was the hospital. They say she's just awakened. It's unbelievable... but although we had confirmed her death, it seems Chidori has come back to life."

The door for the student Council room then slides open with a bang and Junpei runs through with an astonished look.

Mitsuru: "Iori!?"

Junpei: "D-Did I hear that right? Chidori is? Huh? I-Is this a joke? Some kinda trick?"

Y/N: "No."

Mitsuru: "It's not a joke or a trick. She is currently recovering in the same hospital as before. But... Iori... She probably..."

Junpei: "Chidori. Chidori's... alive?"

Junpei then runs off.

Y/N: "I'll go after him."

I then run off out into the hallway running by a confused and irritated Yukari. No matter how fast I ran I couldn't catch up to Junpei only, barely keeping him in my line of sight. Soon enough, we arrive at the hospital and Junpei runs up to the front desk where they were keeping Chidori. This gave me enough time to catch up but not enough for him to run off to where Chidori was being held. As I followed behind I soon see him stop right outside a door. I make my way over to him and start catching my breath.

Y/N: "H-Hey...Are you alright..."

Junpei: "Yes and no."

Y/N: "That sounds... like a problem... tell me about it."

Junpei: "Well chidori is alive so I'm happy, but I'm also afraid."

Y/N: "I would be to... What are you afraid of?"

Junpei: "I'm afraid about what's going to happen in there. I've accepted death but now she's alive it's something I can't explain."

Y/N: "Yeah that is a feeling you can't explain. Whatever happens in there will not go bad because it can't since Chidori is still alive and that's all that matters."

Improving Eyes (Persona 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now