Chapter 1

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|Scarlett Mejia|

I slowly slid my switchblade out of my back pocket. I cut the bottom of an old lady's purse, causing all of her stuff to fall out. I grabbed her wallet and walked off.

"That girl stole my wallet!" The old lady yelled.

That was my cue to start running, so I did. I heard the police sirens from a few streets away. I was fast. I could run faster than anything if I truly tried but there were way too many people around now. After a few minutes, I lost the cops. Opening the purse, I counted the money.

56 dollars.

Better than usual. I walked another two miles before I reached my foster home. When I opened the door, my foster parents, my little brother, and three officers were standing there. Fuck.

"Scarlett, an elderly lady was robbed the same way that you have robbed others. We know that you did it." The first officer glared at me.

"Arrest me then...for the 12th time."

The other officer shook his head, "The sheriff of Beacon Hills wants to adopt you. We feel that living with someone of higher authority will be good for you."

My foster father, Paul, smiled.

I shrugged, "Alright. Let's go pack," I told Jonathan, my little brother.

"Scarlett." I turned back around. "Jonathan isn't coming with you."

I could feel my heart start beating faster, "What the hell do you mean 'he's not coming with me'?"

"Your brother isn't the criminal here. He deserves a chance with a better family," The third officer said.

"A better family than his own?! I'm all he has left and you're taking me away from him?!"

My brother ran over and hugged my leg, "I don't want you to leave, Scar."

I sighed in defeat.

I bent down to his level, "Do you remember when my birthday is?"

Jonathan nodded quickly, "June 3rd."

I smiled, "That's the day I'm coming back, okay? I'm gonna adopt you, I'll buy a house and it'll be just you and I. Okay?"

Jonathan nodded, hugging me again.

Saying goodbye to my brother was probably the hardest thing that I've ever done. The first time I've cried in years... I got sent from Miami to Beacon live with a complete stranger and his son.

"We're here, kid." The taxi driver grumbled.

"Thanks, man." I passed him a 20 and got out, making sure to grab my bags.

I only had two bags-one for clothes, and one that carried my money and other things I've stolen. Walking up the driveway, I noticed a police car and a baby blue jeep. I pressed the doorbell and took a step back. The door opened revealing a middle-aged man in a police uniform.

"I'm assuming that you're Sheriff Stilinski." He nodded and smiled.

"I'm assuming that you're Scarlett Mejia."

I smiled slightly, "Call me Scar."

Sheriff stood back and let me in.

"Welcome, Scar. Your bedroom is the second door to the right. My son's bedroom is right next to yours, so if you need anything, ask him. I have to go to work."

"Work? At midnight?" I asked.

"You'd be surprised at how many weird things happen in Beacon Hills." He laughed before leaving.

Sheriff Stilinski seems like an alright guy. Definitely better than any cops that I've had encounters with. I walked up the stairs and into my new room. The walls were blue and trimmed in black. The bed with black with blue sheets. There was also a little desk with a lamp, laptop, and some school supplies on it. I didn't bother to change into my pajamas. I jumped into bed and fell asleep.

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