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Three years later...

Yoongi paced back and forth in the back of the stadium, his hands trembling and just a little sweaty. It was the first show of his first tour as a performer and he was waiting for Y/N to arrive. She had left school a little while ago and had to go home and change. She had offered to take the day off, but Yoongi insisted she go to work. Although he would have loved to have her there with him, he was so busy earlier in the day and didn't want her to be bored from just sitting around.

As he waited, Yoongi thought about the last three years. After the incident with Joy and Jaehyun, everything just seemed to get better. Under Oliver's tutelage, Yoongi flourished and soon his music, his lyrics were being heard all over the country then eventually the world. The songs received airplay in almost every country and fans of Yoongi's wanted to know the man behind the music. After almost two years of requests (and a little pleading on Oliver's part), Yoongi had finally agreed to a tour. He wasn't sure how the fans would react, but the company did make it known that Yoongi was a hybrid. It didn't seem to diminish Yoongi's fan base, but in fact, increased it by tenfold. His first concert, this concert, had sold out in less than three minutes and Yoongi just couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't believe that this life he was living was his own.

A flurry of excitement and a familiar laugh filled the air and Yoongi turned to see the love of his life standing behind him. "I'm so sorry kitty. I was stuck at school talking to a parent then hit traffic getting home then here." Y/N had wanted to be there with him the whole day, but Yoongi had convinced her to go to work, knew he would be too busy to spend time with her. She leaned up and gave him a kiss, causing the cat's cheeks to flush.

"It's okay. I'm just happy you're here." Yoongi wrapped his arms around her, hugging her gently. "I'm... I'm nervous." He tucked his face into her neck, a little embarrassed to admit his fears to her, but knew she would understand, knew she would make him feel better.

"Oh my sweet kitty. You already have so many fans that love you. They are so excited to be here tonight. I came past the merchandise kiosk and there are so many people in line. People who want to buy shirts and hats with your name on them, with your symbol on them.

Yoongi couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. When he had designed merchandise with the company, he had requested the same symbol that was on his first portfolio that Y/N had bought him: the cat ears and the whiskers. Although the marketing department had argued at first, Yoongi stood firm and Oliver had agreed it was a cute idea. This would set him apart from musicians who had their faces plastered all over everything.

Leaning back, Yoongi looked down and laughed. He hadn't even noticed that Y/N was wearing one of the aforementioned shirts. The solid black t-shirt with the silver cat ears and whiskers was a quick seller and the online shop had a problem keeping it in stock. "You had to wear your shirt?"

Y/N nodded emphatically. "What did you expect? My kitty is performing his first show tonight. What did you think I would wear?"

Yoongi studied the cat ears, tracing his finger over the silver embroidery. "D-do you... do you really think they will like me?" Although his music was popular, the idea of being rejected because he was a hybrid was scary, scarier than he wanted to admit.

"They already do love you." Y/N reached up and stroked a fuzzy ear, grinning when the soft purr erupted from his chest. "These cute little ears are just one of the reasons everyone loves you."

Trying to hide his smile, Yoongi turned his face away. "My ears still aren't cute." He couldn't help but laugh at the easiness of their relationship. Yoongi had worried the relationship with Y/N would become too hard, but if anything, it got easier as time went on. Although they couldn't legally get married yet, their relationship blossomed and there was no doubting their devotion to each other.

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