Chapter 35

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"Tal, dinner's ready!" Dam yelled

I got out of the shower and put on some comfy clothes. Damion is an amazing cook so I gladly ate all his food.

"What did you make for us today?" I asked him as I got down the stairs.

"What do you think?" He said

"Umhhh, lasagne?" I guessed

"Yes." He laughed but that quickly turned into an "oh shit."

"You better didn't burn our food Dam. We're very hungry!" I yelled at him as I saw the smoke come out of the oven.

"Oh please, you two are always hungry." He complained.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I said jokingly but serious.

"No... I'm just saying that it's no surprise anymore that you both are very hungry."

"Mhm, fine. I'll let you off the hook for now. But only because you made the food."

"Good for me."

We ate the food and it was delicious. After I helped him with washing the dishes. We then decided to watch a movie, so we sat on the couch. Until I got tired, then we cuddled. I laid my head in his shoulder and my arms around his waist. His arm wrapped around me and with his other one he took my chin. He stared into my eyes and I in his. Then he leaned in and kissed me on my lips.

I was a bit surprised but I kissed him back with the same desire he was giving me.

I realized that Dam was not Luci. Aka the love of my life. So I pushed Dam away.

"I can't..." I said shocked and stood up.

"Shit, Tala I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you." Dam said and also stood up.

"But you did..." i said

"It was in the heat of the moment. But you kisses me back..." he said

"I was in shock..." i told him.

"So we both didn't want to kiss each other?" Dam asked.


"Okay, I see you as my little sister Tal... so.. I really don't want to make this awkward between us. Can we just forget it even happened?" He asked

"It never happened? Deal!" I said. "But Dam, I'm really tired now so I'm going to sleep. Good night." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Night, talula." He said and I left.

I fell asleep trying to forget about the kiss and thinking which gender the baby will be. It honestly doesn't matter for me as long as they're healthy but it's still nice to think about.

"Goodnight my little one." I said to my baby.

The next morning

I woke up all exited. I got up as fast as the baby let me, got in the shower, changed, put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs.

"Morning Tal. Did you sleep well?" Dam stopped cooking and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I did. And I also don't have any morning sickness so I have a feeling this is gonna be a great day. Did you sleep well?"

"Yea, just dome things on my mind. But they'll go away soon, let's eat now and get you to your appointment. Do you want me to go in with you? For support or anything."

"That would be nice, yes. Thank you Dam." I replied.

"Alright, I made waffles, pancakes, there's some cereal if you want and... of course, your favorite, your cupcakes are on the table too."

"You're the best!" I said excited.

—-After breakfast —-

"Dam, can we go see Luci before or after the appointment?" I asked

"Mhhh, I guess it won't hurt." He thought out loud


—- Time of appointment —-

"Mss Serrano?" A doctor said

"Yes, that's me." We, Dam and I, stood up and went over to her.

"You may follow me into the room." She said and started walking. Once we were in the room she closed the door and I had to sit on the table.

She did some tests and did an ultrasound so we could see out little devil. They were beautiful.

"Would you like to listen to their heartbeat?" Doc asked

"Yes please." I said, once again, excited.

The baby's heartbeat came on a screen and we could hear it echoing through the room.

"Your baby is good and healthy. Nothing to worry about." She informed us

"Thank goodness."

"Is it your first time being pregnant?" She started asking pretty personal questions.

"Yes it is." I smiled

"You're doing really great. Just keep doing what you do and you'll be good. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me." She smiled back. I could see she was genuine

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind." I replied

"Would you like to know the gender of the baby?" She asked

"Oh my... yes please."


—-After the appointment—-

"How long?" I asked Damion

"Make sure it's less than 15 minutes." He replied

"Okay." I said and entered Lucifer's room

"Hey, Luci... I want to tell you so much but I have only a few minutes. Our family is being threatened by someone and Jax has been trying to figure out who this person is. I currently live with your brother. He said he was really sorry for doing this to us and he has proven it. He's actually pretty nice. I know you two don't get along very well but that's about to change when you wake up. I'll make sure of it.

Luci I miss you so terribly much. I love you Lucifer, even when you're not annoying the crap out of me, even when you're here in a hospital bed, even if I don't know if you'll ever wake up, I promise you, I will always love you. I still have no idea if you can hear me but if you can, please wake up Luci. You're missing out on so much.

I'm three months pregnant now. Our baby is growing fast. Dam has been taking care of us. We just came back from the appointment. I heard our baby's heartbeat and I saw them. They're so beautiful Lucifer. I also found out the gender today. And I know you would be so excited to know so, Lucifer," I took a deep breath and said it.

"Lucifer, We're having a baby- ..."

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