Chapter 30

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~~~ At the hospital ~~~

They took him to the emergency room immediately after we arrived. My clothed were soaked in his blood, and my hands were covered in the thick blood red liquid.

"I have some clean clothes with me for you: go change, they'll be operating him for a pretty long time now. Get yourself clean for when he comes out of surgery." Jax said and handed me the clothes.

"Alright" i left to the bathroom and washed my hands until all the blood was washed away. Then I changed into the clothes Jax gave me. My jogging  and a t-shirt. I walked back out after 30 minutes. The dried blood really was difficult to get off.

"Jax? Do you have a hoodie or something for me. I'm a bit cold." I said

"Yea, here."

He took out one of Lucifer's favorite hoodies.
"I figured you would want something from him with you right now." Jax guessed right. I put on Luci's hoodie and sat down. We waited until surgery was over. Meanwhile we talked, I told him about how Damion had made everything difficult and how annoying he has been and Jax told me about his wife and little girl at home. His daughter was 4 years old, i can already imagine a little Jax running around.

I thought about it some more. And to be honest, I would want a child, if Lucifer is gonna be okay and doesn't die. Can you imagine... a little Lucifer running around. That would be so cute. I snapped out of my thoughts as a doctor walked out of the room.

"You two again?" It was the same doctor as before. "Alright, he got shot 0.9 inches next to the heart. He was very lucky, if he came in just a minute later we might have lost him."

"Wait, are you saying he survived?" I got hope

"Yes, he's stable. But he's in a coma... again."

"Can we go see him?" Jax asked

"You can go in in 10 minutes. We're just making sure he's connected to the monitors. Also, one of you can stay here over night if you would like."

"Alright, thank you."

"You can stay." Jax said "I'll stop by every day."

"Are you sure?" I asked


"Okay, come on. I think 10 minutes have passed now." I said and we walked into his room. He was laying there again. His chest had stitches and his face looked pale.

"I'm so sorry Lucifer." I said

"Hey bud, we are all hoping you wake up. Tala really needs you." Jax said. "My wife and the little one came with me this time. They really want to meet you." Jax spoke to Luci. I'm not sure if he can hear us but I hope so. While Jax was telling Lucifer about everything, I sat there and listened.

I stayed quiet, I didn't even know what to say. I want to tell him that I love him more than anything, that he's my forever, that he's my ride or die, that I'm so terribly sorry for shooting him, that I can't live without him, but I can't. I will break down and have a severe panic attack. I will feel so guilty, i would leave him. And call me selfish but I don't want to leave him.

~~~ the next day ~~~

All my friends visited me and Lucifer. All asking me how I was and if I knew when Luci would wake up.

"How are you?" Kaya asked

"I honestly don't know. I just- it should have been me. Not him." I told her as Blaze walked in.

"It shouldn't have been an option. It should have been none of you. You both were happy, you deserve that. Love, happiness, health." Blaze said.

"But-" i wanted to say something but Scar cut me off.

"Sorry Talula, but there are no buts possible in this conversation." Scar said.

"Okay,... if I hadn't participated thi-" i was gonna say but you can guess it, I got cut off again.

"Also no ifs, Tal." Vio said.

"Okay, geez." I sighed deep, thinking about any other words I could use. "Can I just... i don't know... reverse time or something. Just to prevent this from happening." I told them.

"If that was only possible. But you can't, so here's some advice, accept what happened and try to move on. And I'm not saying move on from Lucifer, I'm saying have hope that he survives." Seth explained.

"I agree with Seth." Vio and Scar said.

"We do to." Kay and Blaze said. They would actually be cute together as a couple, but no way in hell I'm telling them that.

We talked and caught up with each other all day. Until it was time for them to go home.

~~~ A week Later ~~~

"Tala?!" Someone called out to me. "Tal, where are you?" The same person came closer.

I walked out and saw Kay standing in Lucifer's room. "Oh it's you." I said relieved.

"Yes it's just me. What's wrong?" Kay asked

"I don't know, I think I ate something wrong. I've been throwing up all morning." I explained my situation to her.

"Are you sure it's the food?" Kay asked me.

"I think so, yes. Why?"

"Are you late?" She asked me

"Wha-..." realization sunk in on me. "Omg! I am!" I was shocked, and happy, and a bit worried.

"I'm not gonna ask if you and Lucifer do it because I'm sure you do. So I'll get you a test or 5. Just stay here." She said.

~ 10 minutes later~

"Okay, I'm back." She said as she walked through the door.

"I have stress. What if it's positive?" I asked

"Well, then you'll be a mother. And if it's negative, not. Don't worry to much, It will all be okay." She reassured me.

"I took it. When do we have the results?" I asked her impatient.

"In 3 minutes." Kay replied.

"Can you look for me?" I asked

"Of course."

~~~ 3 minutes later ~~~

"Okay, it's time." Kay said.

"What is it?" I curiosity asked.

"It's ...."

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