Chapter 25- Over 6 feet tall

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It was Olivia's third day at her father's house.

"You know Olivia, I thought you came here to relax." Camilla walked into the garden, and saw Olivia sitting on the grass surrounded by her files.

"I'm sitting in the sun. That counts," Olivia shrugged.

Camilla laughed and shook her head. "You should come with us to Rio this year." Camilla visited her family in Brazil as often as she could.


"Livi, come on. It's been so long since you went. Maybe Spencer could come too."

"He finds it hard to get away from work."

"Don't the FBI get vacation days?" Camilla added sarcastically.

Olivia was going to dismiss her comment, when the housekeeper approached them. "Sorry to interrupt. There is an FBI agent here." The housekeeper looked deeply concerned.

"An FBI agent?" Camilla repeated. She turned to Olivia. "What have you done?" she joked. Camilla got to her feet.

"He is asking to speak with Miss Olivia." The housekeeper continued.

"Oh." Camilla stopped, glancing at Olivia. "Over 6 feet tall, lean, wild hair, sharp jawline, looks a little nervous when he talks?" Camilla speculated.

"Umm... yes. Actually, that might be a perfect description." The housekeeper looked baffled, turning around to peer at the FBI agent.

Olivia winced as she followed the housekeepers gaze the sun blinding her. She saw Spencer's silhouette approaching them.

"Spencer," Camilla smiled at him. "What a wonderful surprise. It's lovely to see you again. How is Diana?" Camilla held her arms out, waiting for Spencer to hug her, first.

Spencer smiled and hugged her. "She is actually doing quite well at the moment. I forgot how peaceful it is out here." Spencer looked around at the view.

"You know what will make you really feel relaxed. Lemonade. I'm going to go get up some. Make yourself comfortable." She left Spencer and Olivia alone.

"Hey," Spencer plopped himself on the floor next to Olivia, moving a file to make space.

"Hi." She replied. "You're here," she exhaled, when Spencer kissed her cheek.

"I wanted to see you. Talk to you. Face to face. Not through a screen."

Olivia gazed into his eyes uneasily, until footsteps approached, and someone cleared their throat.

"Spencer? I thought that was you." Her father's voice boomed.

Spencer shot to his feet. "Professor." Spencer extended his hand and took her father's hand in his.

"You got guts showing up here after making my daughter drive all the way out her by herself." Her dad pulled a disappointed face. Spencer face fell. "Don't worry I'm just joking. Olivia doesn't need anyone. She only keeps the people she wants around." Spencer relaxed.

The trio stood around silently, until Camilla came back armed with refreshments.

Spencer took a sip.

"You have made great timing Spencer; we were thinking of having dinner at the orchard today." Camilla excitedly announced.

"That sounds wonderful." Spencer shifted anxiously. "What time was that?"


"Okay." He spun around to face Olivia. "I was wondering if could show you something, before dinner." Olivia looked at him in confusion but agreed. "We will meet you at the orchard then. If that's okay with you all?" He looked between the parents.

"Fine with us."

"Are you okay with us walking?" He asked Olivia. "You're not to fatigued. Have your headaches been, okay? Did you take the vitamins that..."

"Spence, I'm fine." Olivia anxiously looked at her parents, seeing the suspicion in their eyes.

Spencer looked at his watch. "Shall we?" He held his hand out for Olivia. She hesitantly took his hand. 

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