Chapter 6- It's not worth it

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They rode back to their apartment in silence. Periodically, Spencer glanced over at Olivia. Olivia's gaze persistently rested out of the window.

Spencer parked the car, in his normal spot. Olivia immediately reached for the door handle. Spencer reached for her hand, stopping her from exiting the car. Olivia jerked her hand back. Her face was plastered with guilt when she saw the hurt on Spencer's.

"Sorry," he mumbled, looking down at his feet. She winced knowing that he wasn't apologising for holding her hand.

"I... ummm... can't..." she pushed open the car door.

Spencer leaped out of the car after her. "I need to talk about. Can we please talk about?" Spencer pleaded.

Olivia halted in her tracks. Spencer came up behind her. "Liv, please talk to me." Her silence was killing him. The fact that she couldn't even look at him killed him even more.

"What do you want me to say?" Her voice was quiet, her breath becoming shallow and her throat becoming drier.

Spencer thought to himself that he didn't know what he wanted her to say. "I don't know. I just want to hear your voice." He sheepishly admitted. He turned Olivia around by the shoulders. "All I know is that I need you to say something. I need you tell me what you want me to do."

"Right now, I just want to not be having the conversation in the middle of the car park." She anxiously licked her lips, bringing her gaze up to Spencer's.

Spencer saw the despair in her eyes. The brightness that normally soothed him after a rough case was replaced by hollowness. He quickly dropped his hands. As soon as he did, she stalked to the elevator, jabbing the calling button repeatedly. Spencer's hands slid into his pockets and he followed closely at her heels.

They both slipped into the elevator standing on opposite ends. Olivia had her face pointed away from Spencer. While Spencer leaned against the wall staring intently at her, trying to read her body language.

Just as the lift door was closing a voice shrieked form the other side. "Hold the door." Spencer waved his hand between the closing doors making the fly open again.

"Thank you," the young man sighed in relief. It was Alex pushing a bellboy cart packed to the brim.

Behind him an older male resident of the building slotted himself into the lift. "I forgot my anniversary. Now I'm trying to make it up to the wife," he justified pointing to the overflowing bags.

The bellboy manoeuvred the cart into the centre of the lift. The change in occupancy of the lift now meant that Spencer and Olivia were stood close together on one side of the cart and the other two occupants stood on the other side of the cart.

"It happens," Spencer smiled back at the older gentleman.

"Have you forgotten before too."

"Err... no I can't say that I have," Spencer admitted, sucking his cheeks in contemplation.

"Good, make sure it doesn't happen, son. Trust me it's not worth. Be grateful for what you have before it's too late." The man's statement made Spencer drop his head in shame. In his periphery Spencer could see Olivia anxiously fidgeting with he hands.

The lift arrived at the gentleman's floor. Alex began to push the cart out of the lift. The sheer capacity of the cart exploding caused a box to tumble off the top of the cart. Spencer caught the box inches away from Olivia's head. He silently slipped it back on to the cart. His arms snaked around Olivia's waist pulling her out of the way. He did it just in time as a few more bags and boxes toppled on to the floor, where Olivia had been standing.

"Sorry," Spencer muttered.

"It's okay,' she replied. Olivia dropped to the floor, collecting the boxes. Spencer took the boxes from Olivia as she lifted the boxes above her head. His hands grazed hers with every pass.

Alex thanked them profusely and exited the lift. Once more, they both stood in silence, until the lift arrived at their floor. When it did, Spencer let Olivia out first. She marched down the hall to their apartment door. She wavered in front of it. Unable to bring herself to open the door. She could feel Spencer's presence behind her. She fumbled with her keys, but they slipped out of her hand, crashing on to the floor. She bent over to pick them up, bumping into Spencer. But he maintained his position.

She straightened out, but before he could attempt to open the door again, Spencer grabbed her hand that was clutching the keys with two hands. He slowly pried her hand open, taking the keys from her. "I go it." He leaned over her, his front pressing against her front as she scuttled back, her back hitting the door. Spencer didn't waver. He continued to unlock the door. Olivia eyes were in line with his throat. She watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he gulped. After he had turned the key, his eyes slid to hers. Caught like a deer in headlights, she dropped her gaze. Spencer face twitched in confusion. He wandered what she was thinking. Before the incident this morning Spencer felt that he always knew what she was thinking. That had changed now. 

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