Chapter 4- Oh No

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Spencer tucked JJ's blond hair behind her ear, his hot breath millimetres from her face. JJ squirmed beneath him.

"That tickles," she giggled, dragging her hands up Spencer's back and running them through Spencer's dishevelled hair, pulling him onto her.

Spencer buried his face in JJ's neck, moaning. His body always lost control when Olivia squirmed under his touch. He inhaled. But he wasn't met with the familiar scent of Olivia's peach shampoo. His eyes flew open and saw a haze of blond. Realising he was hovering over JJ he scrambled backwards. "Shit! Olivia."

He sat on the edge of the bed rubbing his nose, cringing at his actions.

JJ hoisted herself up on his elbows, startled.

"Shit, JJ what did we just do?" Spencer shot up off the bed and began pacing back and forth in a panic.

"Spence," JJ called out to him. "Spencer, breathe."

"No, JJ you don't understand. We are married to different people. You have two kids. I'm their godfather for god's sake." Spencer hands flew around in the air as he hyperventilated.

JJ stuttered as she also came to the same realisation as Spencer. "I know." Her voice shook. They immerse in their panic. Finally, JJ shook off her anxiety consoling herself. "Spencer we were drunk." She justified. "It happened. Now let's forget about it. We got it out of our system that's it. Promise that we aren't going to bring it up again?"

Spencer stopped pacing and agreed with JJ. He relaxed and sat beside her on the bed. He was still shaking. JJ placed her hand on top of his, comforting him. He immediately stopped. He turned, gazing into JJ's eyes. His eyes darted from her bright eyes to her soft lips. He automatically felt the pull he had been feeling for all the years he had known her. Both of them leaned forward. JJ clung to Spencer's upper arms. Spencer tilted his head to the side, inching closer to her. Eventually, their foreheads touched. Their noses touched. Their breaths quickened. Soon their lips grazed. It started slow but as the seconds passed their kiss became more desperate and passionate. Both their paces in sync. Spencer gripped the roots of JJ's tangle hair, gently tugging pulling JJ's head back from his. "I waited for this for so long."

"Just our luck that our lives are too complicated now," JJ breathlessly replied.

Spencer snuggled into JJ. "JJ, I'm scared."

JJ stroked Spencer hair, sweeping his hair away from his face. "Why?"

"I'm an addict by nature. Once I have had a taste, I find it hard to let go. I don't know if having you once is going to be enough." He groaned and flopped back onto the bed in defeat. He twisted his head away from JJ, his gaze landing on a picture of Olivia on his nightstand. One of his favourite pictures. She hated it, but he loved it. In the picture, Olivia had fallen asleep on his chest when they had gone to an outdoor cinema. He had sneakily taken the picture. Her hand resting on his chest and few strands of her hair wisping onto her face. Spencer shuts his eyes in overwhelming guilt. "But it has to be," he sighs. Spencer rolls over to JJ to get her opinion.

"We don't deserve people like Will and Olivia," she whispered softly, tears welling in her eyes.

"Hey." Spence shuffled closer brushing her cheek with his knuckles. "We have the rest of our lives to make it up to them." The corner of JJ's mouth twitched into a smile.

The pair were so invested in one another that they hadn't heard the apartment door open.

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