Chapter 50

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"No! I won't agree to this!" Oliver Luthor-Danvers says, stubbornly.

"Oliver, this isn't up for debate." Kara replies to her son.

"Mom, I agree with Oliver." Keiran says.

"Me too." Lori adds.

"Yeah, me as well grandma'" Alex says.

Kara sighs in frustration as she looks at her three children and her grandchild. Kara knows that they are all going to be pretty stubborn about this, ironically a quality which they get from her more than Lena. Kara then turns her head to look at Barry and spectre Oliver.

"Don't look at me. I'm not getting in the middle of this." Barry replies.

Kara just shakes her head in response and then looks at her family once more, before sighing again.

"Look, I know you all want to come with Barry, Oliver and I to fight Darkseid, I get that, I really do. You want to be by my side and help. But after what Darkseid did, I can't allow you to be there. I can't have one of you dying again. I just can't." Kara says, firmly.

"Mom, you are just being driven by fear! You once told me that I can't let fear drive me." Lori says.

Kara groans and shakes her head.

"I see you've got most of your memories back then." Kara says in frustration.

Lori nods with a smirk.

"Mom, if we come up there with you, we have a much better chance at defeating Darkseid's army. We may not be able to fight Darkseid, but we can stop his Parademons, so you can fight him without having to deal with them." Oliver Luthor-Danvers says.

"That should not be needed. Barry and I can fight the Parademons, while Kara fights Darkseid." Spectre Oliver explains.

"So now you're fighting!" Oliver Luthor-Danvers says, annoyed.

"It is our final fight; I will have no use for any remains of my powers after it." Oliver replies, as if it is such a simple explanation.

"Either way. If we come with you, we can still help!" Keiran says.

"No!" Kara says, even more firmly than before.

All of Kara's family look on at her, surprised by how firm her tone was.

Kara sighs once more.

"Look, you are right. Yes, I am scared about any of you being hurt again. Watching that monster snap Keiran's neck was one of the worst things I've ever had to witness. But I'm not just telling you all to remain here on Earth because of fear. As if you come up with me, Darkseid will know that he could target any one of you, to get to me. It would leave me vulnerable, as I'd do anything to save any one of you, even if it doomed the universe. So, I need you all to stay here, but not just for that. I need you all to stay here because we don't know what is going to happen up there on his ship. Nor do we know what will happen down on Earth when our battle begins. I need you all down on Earth, protecting as many people as possible. As if we all go to Darkseid's ship, what is left of Earth, would be left very vulnerable to Parademon attacks. You need to be the heroes I know you all are, that your mother and I always knew you would be, even if it wasn't always in direct ways, like putting on a costume to save the day. You can be a hero in so many ways, with your brain, your fists, but most of all, your heart. And as I look at all of you, I know that those qualities have been instilled in you all. I am so proud of each of you, and I love you all. So please, stay here on Earth. Let me do this for you all, while you protect your home." Kara says.

Once Kara has finished speaking, Keira, Lori, Oliver and Alex go very quiet as the look at each other, some tears in all of their eyes.

"O... okay.." Keiran nods, "I.... I don't like it.... but.... I know logically... you are right..." Keiran agrees.

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