Chapter 16

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Kara, Lena, Alex and Sam arrive back at Kara and Lena's apartment at around 3 AM in the morning. Since leaving the club and stepping out into the cold air Sam and Alex have become even more drunken messes. Sam basically turned green and held her head out the window of the limo on the ride back. Lena told her on no uncertain terms would she let Sam throw up in the limo she'd rented. Thankfully Sam didn't throw up, but she looked sick for their entire car ride back. Alex on the other hand became the complete opposite. Alex began talking at a mile a minute. Sometimes it was about adventures they've all been on together, sometimes it was about sad things like Jeremiah being dead or Alex killing Astra, but most of the time it was slurred gibberish.

"Kara, ill escort these two to their respective rooms, why don't you get them both a big glass of water and some head ache tablets for the morning?" Lena says.

"Sure thing." Kara smiles.

"But I don't wanna go to bed!" Alex moans.

"Alex you have to go to sleep or you'll be too tired for your wedding." Lena says.

"Wedding??? Oh.... Rao..... that's right.... I'm getting marrieeeeed......" Alex slurs.

Lena chuckles.

"That you are." Lena smiles.

Lena escorts Sam and Alex upstairs each to their own guest bedroom. She points Alex to her room and lets her know she'll come check on her in a minute, she just wants to put Sam to bed first. So Lena goes into the bedroom with Sam. Sam plops down face first on the bed right away, even without taking off any of her clothes or make up.

"Samantha, don't you want to get undressed?" Lena asks.

"Uhhh.... can't be bothered...." Sam groans.

"You should otherwise you'll have an uncomfortable sleep." Lena says.

"Ughh..... you just want to see me naked..." Sam replies.

Lena laughs.

"No thank you Sam. There's only one woman I want to see naked, thank you very much."

Sam jerks her head up to look at Lena.

"Who?" Sam asks.

Lena laughs again.

"Kara of course."

Sam gets a look of shock on her face.

"Oh my god.... finally!!! I knew you liked Kara!!! Are you going to do an'thing about it." Sam slurs.

Lena chuckles once more.

"Samantha I think you've drank so much your brain isn't working."

"What?! What happened to me brain?" Sam asks, as she rubs her head.

"Sam.... I've been dating Kara for almost 9 months now.... you know this..." Lena smiles.

"What!?! Really?!" Sam asks shocked.

Lena laughs again.

"Alright enough. Why don't you get changed into your PJ's and I'll go get some face wipes for you to wipe your make up off..... and a bucket..." Lena replies.

"Bucket?" Sam asks confused.

"Yes... just in case..." Lena replies as she walks out of the room.

Lena walks out of the bedroom and heads into the hallway. She has every intention of going in to check on Alex next before she gets the bucket and make up wipe for Sam, but as Lena approaches the room Alex is in she hears Alex and Kara talking quietly. Lena just smiles and heads off to get the bucket and wipes.

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