Chapter 31

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Summer 2042

It is the summer of 2042, Keiran and Oliver are now both 18 years old, about to turn 19 in November. Lori is is only 14 years old, about to turn 15 in August.

Over the last several years the family have all had a wonderful time filled with so much love and happiness. Kara and Lena have worked flawlessly as a team, raising their three children. They have made it their mission to make sure than none of their children ever feel like they are loved any less than the others. Lena knows how that feels from first hand experience, and she does not want that for any of her children. It's a traumatic experience that no person should ever have to live through. Kara and Lena have also made sure that their home is full of love. Kara and Lena do not hide from their kids in regards to how much they love each other, kissing openly in front of their children. They know that their are some parents who prefer not to do so, but Kara and Lena didn't want to be those types of parents. They wanted to show their children first hand what true love is, and make sure they understand that their parents are never going to part from each other, unlike most marriages which end in divorce.

For the most part Kara and Lena have done an excellent job raising their kids, all while handling Lena being a CEO and Kara being the CatCo Editor-In-Chief. In fact they have done such a great job that the public loves them, even more so than when Kara and Lena originally got married. There were even times when TV producers asked Kara and Lena if they wanted to film a reality TV show about their lives. Kara and Lena both laughed at the idea, although not in front of the producers. Kara and Lena were still private individuals after all. Yes they embraced that there are people who are fans of their relationship, but they never played into it. Neither Kara or Lena have any personal social media accounts, as they both like to maintain their privacy. Then Lena has made it incredibly clear that their children are not to be photographed by the press. After a few devastating lawsuits were filed by Lena for the breach of this the press generally got the hint and mostly left the family alone, at least in terms of following them around. They would still write articles about them, mostly Kara and Lena, every few months. In fact in 2040 Cosmo magazine named Kara and Lena "Power Couple of the Decade", which they both found amusing. In fact they found it so amusing that they agreed to do a photo shoot for Cosmo to write the piece, as long as Cosmo donated money to a charity of Lena and Kara's choosing, and then mention CatCo in the article. Lena for her part has continued to take her drug and even though she is nearing 50 years old she still has the appearance of being in her late 20s. Kara of course also doesn't look like she has aged a day, but for her it is because of her Kryptonian genetics.

Presently Keiran and Oliver have both just graduated high school. In regards to school Keiran and Oliver couldn't be more different. Oliver absolutely hated school, and couldn't wait to be done with it. Of course the boy is smart, but education doesn't retain his interest. At times this has resulted in Oliver not putting much effort into his school work and getting some rather mediocre grades, resulting in a talking to from his two parents. Keiran on the other hand is entirely different, she has loved school and has excelled with honors in just about every subject she has ever studied. In this regard Keiran is just like Lena. Keiran is incredibly smart but she also carries herself like her human mother, and has the same expensive sense of style as Lena. Keiran is honestly like a mini Lena clone, although she has Kara's blue eyes, as well as her cheerful personality. As for Lori, well she is a different matter entirely. Lori very much can be classified into being a 'mommies' girl'. She loves her mommies very much, and would much rather spend time with them than try and make friends at school. Of course Lori is still very close with her older sister, but they are not as inseparable as they were when they were both younger. This isn't because the two no longer love each other, it's just because as they have gown they have gained different interests. Keiran is smart and loves to talk about the technology advancements and have sophisticated conversations, Lori does not understand any of that. Lori's interests lay in the more creative outlets, she enjoys drawing and painting, along with watching sports. In this regard Lori had really managed to grow a strong bond with her aunt Alex who would take her very regularly to watch National City's basketball team play, they shared their love of sport. Of course Kara and Lena were worried about Lori's lack of friends, but they knew she had a few. They were both well aware that not everyone enjoys having many friends. Some people can get by with just having a couple, and then their are some that have none due to their social anxieties and trouble making friends.

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