Chapter 3

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It's been about a week since Kara's emotional break down with Lena. Kara really hasn't got much better. She is still carrying all the weight of her emotions from the last year. She hasn't been crying in public, she has been saving that for when she gets home, and is alone. However another new development is that due to all her emotions bubbling up she is now experiencing panic attacks, which she hasn't experienced since Psy got into her head a few years ago, and before that not since she was a teenager.

Of course the day after Kara revealed all her emotional turmoil to Lena Alex remembered everything and was insistent on Kara letting her know what was wrong. Kara unable to keep anything from her sister of course told Alex. Alex just comforted Kara much like Lena had done the night prior.

Over the week that had passed Alex has been visiting Kara every evening to try and have dinner with her, sometimes with Kelly, sometimes on her own. She's doing this as she doesn't want Kara to be alone and just wallow in her emotions. Alex knows that she and Lena are the only two people that Kara has told about how she feels. Although from Kara's demeanour at work and as Supergirl around her friends Alex is sure that the others have realised something isn't quite right with Kara. But they seem to have enough sense to leave it alone. At least for now.

Kelly is one of the friends who has notably noticed Kara's change in demeanour and of course being the therapist she is she's been trying to ask Alex to tell her what is wrong with Kara. Alex wants to, as she thinks that Kelly might be able to help, at least with some advice, but she knows she can't, because that would involve telling Kelly Kara's secret and it isn't really her place to tell that secret. So instead Alex just lets Kelly know that Kara is going through something and it isn't her place to tell Kelly what it specifically is, as she wants to respect Kara's privacy. Kelly very much understands that and just lets Alex know that whatever Kara is going through just being there for her, even if it's just sitting with her in silence is what might be best.

Lena on the other hand very much wants to be there for Kara, but unfortunately she has been completely swamped with work at Luthor Corp over the last week. Lena has just had to go through the whole task of fixing Luthor Corp once more, after being ruined by her brother, again. Then once more she has to deal with all the people who are asking questions whether she is insane just like her brother. Lena even notices glances of employees who look at her with suspicion. In this world it's even worse than the last world. As after Lex went crazy in the last world the world knew that Lena Luthor wasn't involved in her brothers business and helped take him down. But in this new world everyone believed that Lena and Lex worked side by side for years as partners. So the task of trying to convince people she wasn't like Lex was going to be even more of an undertaking than in the last world. So due to this Lena really hasn't had a chance to see Kara, other than meeting her for a brief 5 minute lunch break, despite how much she wants to spend time with her hopefully still best friend.

Saturday has arrived and Lena knows that she should probably go into work as there is still much much much more work to do. But she also remembers that surrounding herself with her work and forgetting about her friends is what lead to her misery in the first place, she doesn't want to do that anymore. So Lena makes the decision that she's going to pay Kara a surprise visiting.

On Lena's way over to Kara as it's lunch time she decides to pick up their usual Big Belly Burger order in hopes to cheer Kara up with food. Lena knows that Kara will always accept food, no matter if she has just eaten or not.

Lena knocks on Kara's door and a few seconds later it opens. As it opens Lena sees Kara for the first time in a few days and immediately her heart breaks. Immediately she chastises herself for not putting her work aside far sooner, as Kara looks truly awful. Kara looks like she's been crying, that she's tired and exhausted, and even though a smile crosses her face when she sees Lena standing at her door it's not as bright as it usually is.

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