Chapter 24

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It is now the end of 2022, Kara and Lena are soon closing in on their one year anniversary, having already shot passed their one year anniversary of their engagement. About a month and a half after Kara and Lena were told by Alex and Kelly that they were adopting a baby the couple's son was born. Kelly and Alex named him Jeremiah Danvers, of course after Alex's father. Their son was called Danvers instead of Olsen because after their wedding Kelly had taken Alex's name and become Kelly Danvers.

Kara and Lena were the first two people to meet little baby Jeremiah after Alex and Kelly brought him home to their apartment. There was a lot of "awing" and staring at the new baby boy. The first time Kara held her nephew in her arms she burst out crying as she rocked him gently in her arms. In turn this made Jeremiah start crying as well, which caused Alex, Kelly and Lena to laugh. They would later regret laughing when over the next hour Jeremiah would not stop crying. But eventually he did, and it wasn't because the four women had suddenly found some trick to get him to stop. Much to everyone's surprise it was because Lena held her nephew in her arms for the first time. After Lena did this Alex made a comment that Lena was never leaving.

When Lena first held Jeremiah in her arms it was the first baby she'd ever held. She absolutely fell in love. Lena knew from that moment on if Jeremiah ever came to her and needed anything she would move heaven and earth to give it to him. But at the same time something else happen to Lena. Something that she was so sure was a myth, something created by hormonal or jealous women, but boy was she wrong. As when Lena left Alex and Kelly's apartment that day she knew that right then and there she wanted a baby, she was ready, she had caught baby fever.

Over the next few weeks and months Lena didn't actually tell Kara that she wanted a baby. This wasn't because she was unsure about bringing it up to Kara. It was because Lena knew that while adoption is an amazing thing for most couples and children, Lena really wanted to have a child that she could look at and see both herself and Kara in. Obviously the science to do this wasn't there yet, so Lena spent months in her lab working on the process.

Now Lena wanted to have a biological child with Kara not only because she wanted to see both of them in their child, but also selfishly she wanted her child to have Kryptonian DNA. Lena knew if their child had Kryptonian DNA they would have some protection, maybe the same protection as Kara. There would be less of a risk of the child ever getting hurt or getting ill, while at the same time the child would have a long life just like their mothers. So Lena's task of being able to have two women conceive a child was pretty selfish, but she knew if she succeeded she would publish the science behind it to the world.

Over a period of several months Lena worked on various stem cell related experiments to try and get the process to work. It was frustrating and hard work. Even more so because she didn't want to tell Kara and get her hopes up if she found it impossible. But eventually Lena made a breakthrough. She found a process she could use to turn stems cells essentially into sperm and then implant the seeds into the eggs. Lena tested this on some monkeys and after a few months and a few attempts a female monkey became pregnant from stem cells form another female monkey. Lena got the process to work!

Presently Lena is sitting at home nervously. She is awaiting for Kara to return from her day at work. Lena cracked the process to allow to women to have a baby about a week ago. Since then she has been double and triple checking her work, making sure it 1000% works before she presents it to Kara. Lena is nervous because she's not sure how Kara will feel about doing this. She knows that Kara is okay with Lena taking the drug to extend her life, but she's unsure if Kara will be just as agreeable to creating new life this way. Then at the same time Lena isn't sure if Kara is ready to have children like she is. So ultimately Lena is just very very nervous.

At 7PM Kara arrives home.

"Lee, I'm home!" Kara calls out as she closes the front door behind her.

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