Chapter 29

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It's November 2026, Oliver and Keiran's birthday.

"Happy Birthday to you!!" The group finishing singing.

Kara and Lena are celebrating their children's third birthday in their apartment along with Alex and Kelly, who brought their two children, Jerimiah and Olivia, with them. Then they are also joined by J'onn, M'gann, Nia, Briany, Eliza and even Alura who has made the trip from Argo.

Keiran and Oliver both blow out the candles together.

"Yay!!!" Kara claps along with Lena.

Oliver and Keiran smile widely at their two moms.

"Did you make a wish?" Kara asks the two kids.

"Yes!!" Oliver smirks proudly.

"Uhuh." Keiran nods shyly.

"What did you wish for?" Lena asks.

"Lena!! You can't tell people your wishes or they won't come true!!" Kara says to her wife.

Lena giggles and then takes Kara in for a kiss.

"Alright you two! I think it's time to cut the cake." Alex interjects.

Kara and Lena proceed to cut the cake and feed everyone a piece each. Keiran and Oliver requested a chocolate cake for their birthday, which just so happens to also be Kara's favourite. They truly do have Kara's stomach. Kara was insistent on making the chocolate cake herself but Lena soon got that idea out of her wife's head as she didn't want their kitchen to be destroyed. So instead Lena ordered one of the best professionally made chocolate cakes in National city. Obviously money wasn't an issue for Lena Luthor-Danvers, billionaire.

"Hmmm this is amazing guys!!" Kelly smiles happily.

"Yes dear it is so good." Eliza adds, "Where did you get it?"

"How'd you know we didn't just make it?" Kara huffs.

"Because your apartment didn't burn down." Alex laughs.

Kara pouts which causes Lena to giggle and kiss her on the cheek.

"We got it from Le'clerecer's here in National city." Lena informs the group.

Alex chokes on her cake in surprise.

"That's like a $1000 a cake bakery!" Alex says, surprised.

Lena shrugs.

"What can I say? I spare no expense for my children." Lena smirks.

Alex shakes her head and mutters "rich people", under her breath.

The group continue to chat and have fun into the evening. Eventually Alex and Kelly have to leave to feed their two kids and then put them to bed, Eliza leaves along with them as she is staying with the two while she's in National City. J'onn, M'gann, Nia and Brainy leave soon after this, not wanting to get in the way of the family spending some quality time with Alura. This just leaves Alura, Lena, Kara and the two kids. Alura, Kara and Lena chat amongst themselves while the children play. For dinner they order the kids favorite, burgers, which of course is their favorite seeing as its Kara's favorite too. Although to be fair Lena also likes burgers very very much.

Eventually it nears 8PM and Kara and Lena decide they should put their children to sleep, as well as get an early night themselves. Alura is also tired because the trip from Argo was a tiring one for her. Unlike Kara and Lena who are still young, the trip effects Alura's older body much much more. Kara puts Keiran to bed while Lena attends to Oliver, but before they do this they have their two children say goodnight to their space grandma, Alura, before she heads to bed herself.

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