Chapter 27

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"Push Kara." Alex says as she stands at the end of the bed, helping deliver the babies.

"I can't! It's too hard." Kara sobs, one of the rare moments she is in a lot of pain. It's obviously impossible to give her any drugs, as no drugs exist that would work on her. They could activate Kara's red sun bracelet and that may work, but then delivering the babies might be even harder.

"Yes you can love. I believe in you. Come on. I've got you." Lena says soothingly as she stands by Kara's side at her head.

Kara looks at Lena with tears in her eyes and nods, she begins pushing again. Lena is just holding onto Kara's arm to encourage her. In an ideal world Lena would be holding Kara's hand and letting her squeeze it, but before the delivery a few months ago the couple discussed that. They discussed that Lena holding Kara's hand wouldn't be a good thing for either of them. Not because they didn't want to. It's because if Kara were to hold Lena's hand she would have to regulate her strength to not destroy it when she squeezes it, all while trying to give birth to two babies, and that would be more stress for Kara, sometimes she doesn't need. Then at the same time Lena obviously didn't like the idea of her hand potentially being shattered into pieces, or Kara worrying about hurting her, so they came to a compromise. The compromise is that Lena would be the one to hold onto Kara's arm as she's giving birth. She wouldn't let go, no matter what. Meanwhile Kara would just hold on to the metal bars either side of her bed. Luckily the couple were proven to be right that Lena holding Kara's hand would be a bad idea seeing as presently both the metal bars which Kara is holding on to have noticeable dents in them.

"Come on Kara, you've almost got it." Alex encourages. "One last big push."

Kara closes her eyes and pushes one more time as hard as she can. She pushes until she feels some sudden relief. Relief that is then met by a baby crying. Kara opens her eyes and sees Alex holding their son in her hands.

"Would you like to cut the cord Lena?" Alex asks.

"No, I'm good. Aunt Alex can do it." Lena smiles as she looks down at her baby boy.

"He's..... he's beautiful...." Kara says speechless.

Lena averts her gaze from her son for the first time in his short life to look at Kara.

"Yeah.... he is.... just like you." Lena replies and then kisses Kara on the cheek.

Alex cuts the umbilical cord.

"That's a relief that it actually cut." Alex comments.

"Is he.... okay.... Alex?" Kara asks, still in shock.

"Yes, he is breathing normally and looks perfectly healthy." Alex smiles as she looks up at her sister. "Kelly!!"

Kelly quickly comes rushing into the room with Alex covering Kara's area with a blanket so Kelly won't see. Kelly has been waiting outside of the room in Lena's lab where Kara is giving birth. She is joined by Nia and J'onn. Presently Nia and J'onn are both watching baby Jeremiah.

"I would let you guys both hold him, but your daughter is going to be here very soon." Alex says to Kara and Lena. Alex then turns back to Kelly. "Kelly, can you please take the baby into the other room and wrap him and just give him a once over?"

"Yes, of course." Kelly says as she slowly approaches Alex and then carefully takes the baby boy in her arms.

Kelly lays the boy down on one of the baby hatches inside the room and wraps him up and then wheels him into a side room. The room Kelly is in is connected to the delivery room and the only way out is through said delivery room, so none of the other friends will see the boy before Kara and Lena have a chance to hold him.

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