Chapter 44

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"Oliver? What in Rao's name is happening? What is going on?" Kara asks, confused, just as Barry is.

"Let me show you." Oliver says and then points to the TV. The TV turns on.

The TV however does not flick to any news network or other TV channel, instead it seems to show a live view of National City, something that definitely isn't being filmed with a camera for any network.

Kara and Barry just look confused at each other before they step closer to the TV to watch.

The TV then changes to a different view of National City, a shot above the skyscrapers of the City. Everything looks normal and fine, just a nice normal bright sunny day in National City. However, after a few seconds everything starts to go dark, like a cloud has covered the sun, but such a large cloud that a large part of the city is covered in shadows. The TV then changes to a different view once again, looking at the people on the streets of National City, who all begin to stop in place and look up at the sky. The people just stare in confusion for a moment, looking at something that the television isn't yet showing Barry and Kara. After about 30 seconds people then get looks of panic on their faces and start running in various directions. The TV then changes a shot once more to show what was causing the large shadow which has blanket part of the city. Floating many miles above National City is an absolutely massive space ship, a bigger ship than Kara has ever witnessed in her life, even before Krypton exploded. But the ship isn't the cause of people running in panic. People are running in panic because flying down from the ship are hundreds, if not, thousands, of those winged bug-like creatures in armour, that Kara, Barry and Oliver just fought.

"What the..." Barry says, shocked by the sheer number of aliens flying down.

Kara and Barry continue to watch as the aliens land on the streets of National City and begin to attack people, attacking just normal pedestrians. They do not seem to be hurting the people though, all they seem to be doing is attacking people to subdue them and then pick them up and fly them off up into the air, back towards the space ship. However, there are people that do try and violently fight back against the aliens, and for some of those people, the aliens fight them off, attacking them and not caring if they harm them. To Kara and Barry, it very much looks like the aliens will attack people and do whatever they need to, to subdue the people and other aliens, but if they mortally wound someone, or kill them, they don't care and just move onto the next person. So, it looks like the alien creatures have been ordered to abduct people, but not be too concerned about making sure that everyone who they try and abduct survives if they attempt to fight them off.

"Is this live?" Kara asks as she turns to Oliver who is standing behind herself and Barry.

"Just watch." Oliver says as he nods his head back towards the TV.

Kara turns back around and looks at the TV and the shot has changed again. The television is now showing a different street in National City, with people fighting off the aliens, with guns and other weapons. The people are all dressed in black tactical gear, they are DEO agents. Kara can then see that in the very thick of it, her son Oliver and her granddaughter Alex, are standing, shoulder to shoulder, both fighting off the aliens with their limited super powers, due to their half Kryptonian DNA.

Kara gasps upon seeing two of her family members fight off these creatures.

The television shot then changes to a shot of the sky just over National City.

"No! Change it back!! That's my family!!" Kara yells at Oliver.

"Just watch Kara." Oliver says, emotionless. It seems that Spectre Oliver is rather lacking in the emotional scale.

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