Chapter 30

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May 2031

It's May of 2031. Kara and Lena have been married for over 9 years now, and have officially been together for almost 11. Keiran and Oliver are currently 7 years old, with their 8th birthday occurring in November later on in the year. The couples youngest child Lori is currently 3 years old, and turning 4 in August.

The family itself has been a real happy one over the last few years. There have been no major incidents and disasters, both in the families personal life and as Kara's life as Supergirl. Of course there have still been some incidents here and there, but nothing to the extent of Crisis, or Lex Luthor and Reverse Flash teaming up on her and Barry. This lack of any major conflicts has allowed both Kara and Lena to focus a lot of time on their young family. The couple make sure that despite Lena being a CEO and Kara being the Editor-in-Chief of CatCo, that at the end of the week they put their work aside and spend time with each other, and their children. Of course there are times when this isn't always possible, but Lena and Kara have put things in place so that they don't necessarily need to be at work if something happens over the weekend. For Lena this means that she has set up her own personal lab in their home with equipment so she can easily interact with L-Corp virtually, while she has also designed a robot which she can operate remotely, if she needs to do something physical. As for Kara, she has promoted Nia to head reporter, which allows the girl to essentially be Kara's second in command, meaning that Nia can take the reigns if Kara is not there.

As for the Luthor-Danvers children, they have all been really happy, and much to Kara and Lena's relief, there hasn't been any major drama between their kids. In fact both Keiran and Oliver have been an excellent big sister and big brother, respectively, to Lori. They are both very protective of her. Oliver doesn't outwardly show it because he has more of a brooding, keep things to himself personality, obviously getting that from Lena. But there was one incident at school where Oliver saw an older boy about a year younger than him push Lori over on the playground, making her cry. Oliver stormed over and beat the kid up for attempting to hurt his little sister. Of course Lori couldn't actually get hurt, due to being half-Kryptonian, but that was besides the point. As a result of this Oliver was suspended from school for two weeks, but both Kara and Lena couldn't find it in them to punish him too harshly when they found out he was just defending his sister. Although they did have a talk with him about how he couldn't fight like some other boys and girls do, due to the fact he could easily hurt someone. As for Keiran, she was attached to Lori all the time. The only time when Keiran and Lori were not together was when they were at school, otherwise they always remained by each other's side. In fact there have been a few times over the previous year where Lori has been having a nightmare and Kara has woken up hearing it, but by the time she and Lena rushed into Lori's room Keiran was laying in Lori's bed cuddling her back to sleep. Kara and Lena couldn't help but think that Lori and Keiran kind of reminded them of Alex and Kara, and that was not a bad thing at all.

As for Kara and Lena's other family members Alex and Kelly moved to a house very close to Kara and Lena. In fact it was only a 5 minute walk between the two houses. This meant that the two couples and their children spent a lot of time together, and the cousins all got on very well, with Jerimiah and Oliver being partners in crime. Not that that always was always good thing, the two boys quiet often would get into trouble, but nothing too major. As for Olivia, she is between Keiran and Lori in age, so she gets on with both of her female cousins. Although Olivia was very shy around new people, and at times when she Keiran and Lori were playing in public or in a playground with other children around, she would shy away behind Keiran.

As mentioned Nia was promoted by Kara within CatCo to be her second in command and take on Snapper Carl's former role, with him having retired just before Nia joined CatCo. But as for her Dreamer role, she and Brainy still live right in the heart of National City. This has meant that Nia has very much expanded her role as Dreamer, mostly dealing with minor incidents that Supergirl really doesn't need to handle. As for Brainy, he has remained as head of the DEO, and he's spent the last several years changing the anti-alien sentiment from within. This has included beginning to hire aliens to work as agents within the DEO. Brainy didn't want the DEO to continue on its path and become a government agency like ICE where the nature of the job attracts a certain type of people, resulting in most of those people working at the agency working there because they have hatred to the group they are supposed to deal with. Outside of work Nia and Briany have both remained a couple, but they both decided that they didn't want to get married or adopt and have children for that matter.

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