Chapter 35

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Today is the worst day of Kara's life up until this point. Even worst than the day her world literally exploded and she was sent off into the void of space thinking all her family she had known and loved had died in that fiery explosion. But after so long in the phantom zone Kara came down to Earth and she found a new family. A family that she grew to love even more than her Kryptonian one. This perhaps wasn't entirely true. Kara just appreciated her new family more because she had been made very aware of how it could all be quickly taken away. But Kara ended up being glad that she was stuck in that phantom zone for so long, as without it she wouldn't have been raised by the Danvers. She wouldn't have had Eliza and Jeremiah taking care of her, but more importantly, she wouldn't have found Alex, her sister. One of the people that Kara loves more than anyone else in the entire world. That is why today is so hard. Today is the day Kara loses the last member of her found family. Today is the day Alex Danvers dies.

Over the last several years since Kara and Lena returned from their vacation around the world the couple have been spending a lot more time together. They watch movies together, go for romantic walks, spend time with their friends and family, and just enjoy life in general. At the same time Lena and Kara have both found some work to occupy themselves so they have something to do. Lena has accepted a role working as a researcher in the labs for L-Corp. However most of the time this means Lena just works by herself, or on occasion with Keiran. The role Lena has taken is only a part time one though. She really just works when she wants to, and Keiran is happy to placate her mother, being the new boss of L-Corp and all. That said as Keiran is the boss there have been a few times where she has made Lena work with other researchers, mostly just so her mother can help to train the other much much less experienced and knowledgeable L-Corp scientists. Lena herself hates doing it, but other than a few complaints directed at her daughter she doesn't put up much of a fight. Lena is well aware that if she doesn't help train the researchers then Keiran will probably do it herself, and Keiran is far too busy to do that. Lena knows what the life is like running L-Corp. She's glad she doesn't have to do it anymore. Although that said, she'll happily do things to try and lessen her daughters burden. Lena doesn't want Keiran to ever become so consumed with L-Corp like she was before she began dating Kara.

Kara has kept herself busy by working as a freelance reporter for CatCo. Kara basically has an agreement with Nia and Lori that she can spend between a few days or several months working on topics of her choosing and then submit the finished article to CatCo to be published. This process has earned Kara significant praise because of how well researched and well written her articles are. Writing articles is something that Kara hasn't done in a consistent fashion in a long time, as Kara just simply did not have the time before when she was the boss of CatCo, to do the appropriate research for her articles. But now Kara has all the time in the world and no deadline. So Kara can delve incredibly deep with her research, while also only writing about topics that she's interested in. In fact her articles have been so well received that over the last few years she has been awarded 2 more Pulitzers. Due to the articles success Nia and Lori have tried to get Kara to commit to writing them monthly or semi-monthly, as whenever Kara releases an article CatCo sales go through the roof. But Kara has brushed off these attempts as she feels she does her best work when she has the flexibility.

Outside of Journalism over the last several years Kara has barely touched her Superwoman suit, not really needing to don the cape with all the other super heroes that the world and the city has. Kara isn't upset about it though. It gives Kara more time to relax and be with Lena. Kara honestly is at peace with it. She spent many decades fighting the good fight as Supergirl and then Superwoman, saving the planet on several occasions, as well as helping to reboot the universe with the other heroes. Not having to put on her cape and be Superwoman has just allowed Kara to live a more normal life, barely even using her powers for mundane things anymore.

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