Chapter 43

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Kara remains by Barry's bedside for hours, waiting for Barry to wake again. As the hours go by, Kara gets more and more nervous about what Barry's state will be. Obviously Barry woke up briefly, but Kara didn't get a good read as to what state Barry is in. Kara knows that Keiran has told her that Barry will wake up again soon, but what Kara is holding onto, the thing that is worrying her the most, is the fact they have no idea how long Barry has been gone from his perspective. For Barry it could be almost instantaneous from when he disappeared in 2090, or it could be hundreds, if not, thousands of years. Kara severely hopes that it is the former, even as difficult as that may be. Kara knows that no matter what happens the situation is going to be difficult for Barry, as if from his perspective it is only 2090, then Kara will have to tell him it's not, and the even worse news that his children died several years ago. Kara has born the burden of living with her wife's death, and Kara knows Barry has lived with the burden of Iris' death too, but what Kara doesn't think she could handle even in the slightest, is carrying the pain of any of her children's deaths.

After a few more hours Barry begins to stir once more.

"Hmmm." Barry hums as he begins to wake.

Kara quickly moves over to Barry's bedside.

"Barry?" Kara asks.

Barry moves a bit and opens his eyes, looking directly at Kara.

"Hey." Barry smiles.

Kara breathes a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I'm glad you are okay." Kara smiles back.

Barry nods and begins to sit up in the bed.

"Careful." Kara says, as she helps Barry sit up.

"What... what happened?" Barry asks.

Kara bites her lip, she has not been looking forward to this part.

"What do you remember?" Kara asks.

Bary sighs and then gets a look of contemplation on his face, clearly thinking about to everything that he remembers.

"Uhhh.... I remember.... I was fighting Thawne.... then..... then you showed up.... You fought him too..... but then.... you had to stop a building collapsing and then I went after Thawne again..... we were running.... Running faster than I have ever run.... There was .... a lot of heat.... A flash.... bright lights.... and then..... and then nothing..... the next thing I remember is waking up here." Barry explains.

Kara nods, realising that from Barry's perspective no time has passed since 2090 when he disappeared, but from Kara's perspective 40 years have gone by.

"Yes.... that's.... that's what happened.... But...... after that moment you mention.... where there was a lot of light... and heat.... there..... there was an explosion..... and..... and you and Thawne were in the middle of it.... I couldn't get there in time.... But when I arrived.... you were both gone.... The only trace of your existence was some of your Flash suit marks on the ground....." Kara explains.

"Okay.... so..... how did I get here.... is Thawne still out there?" Barry asks.

"Barry... you got here.... because I received a call from Lori earlier that a bunch of lightening had been seen building in the exact same spot that you.... disappeared at.... So I flew to the location.... And that's when I saw a similar explosion to the one years ago, and then you appeared out of it, unconscious." Kara says.

"Years?" Barry questions.

"Yes." Kara nods.

"How long?" Barry asks.

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