Chapter 1

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Kara Zor-El was born on Krypton in Argo city in the Earth year 1966. Kara had a normal childhood by Kryptonian standards. She visited other planets, marvelled at Rao's light and began her education to follow in her fathers footsteps as a scientist. It was standard on Krypton for a child to follow in the footsteps of one of their parents. In fact it was frowned upon if a child didn't follow in their parents footsteps as it would be seen as a failing of the Kryptonian birthing matrix which all Kryptonian children were born from, including Kara. The matrix itself worked by combining the best DNA qualities of the two parents and making one superior child. Some people on Krypton believed that this process was what lead to Kryptonians having such long lifespans, no matter the sun which they were under. So because of this Kara followed in her father's footsteps to become a scientist. She had no interest in what her mother did.

Kara's life on Krypton was pretty good. She knew that her family were clearly one of the higher up families in society so she lived a comfortable and probably sheltered life. In fact her life was so sheltered she didn't find out about Krypton becoming unstable until she was 13, Earth year 1979. Kara was just about to join the science guild having excelled in her studies. There was a ceremony planned and she would have gone down in history as the youngest member of the science guild in history. Everyone praised Kara for this achievement but it wasn't until much much later that Kara realised most of the people were just praising the matrix which created her.

Anyway everything changed for Kara before she could be inducted into the science guild. Her aunt and uncle Lara and Jor-El had a Kryptonian baby which they named Kal-El. This was incredibly controversial for Krypton because it was the first baby to be conceived without the matrix in hundreds of years. It wasn't that Kryptonians decided they no longer wanted to have babies that way, it just seemingly was no longer possible. That said the news of Kal-El's natural conception was frowned upon. People no matter the planet don't take well to the unusual or strange.

Shortly after Kal-El's birth the planet began experiencing mass earthquakes. This is when Kara was finally told that it looked like Krypton was going to explode. Kara herself didn't understand how this had been hidden from her. She was going to be a member of the science guild after all, how could this not be knowledge she had access to. But before Kara could ask questions her parents told her that Krypton was doomed but they could save her. They were going to send Kara and Kal-El to a planet called Earth. A planet which had a yellow sun and so they'd both have incredibly powers. Kara's mission was going to be for her to look after and care for Kal-El. Kara tried to refuse, she didn't want to leave her parents, she wanted them to come with her. But they told her Krypton is dying because of their and people like them's mistakes, Kara and Kal-El shouldn't pay the price for it. So ultimately after many tears and goodbyes Kara got in the pod and was sent to Earth.

Being in the pod was horrifying for Kara. Her parents told her that it would put her into a sort of hibernation sleep, but it wouldn't be immediate. So as a result of this Kara witnessed Krypton exploding with her very eyes, the only living creature in history to do that. Kara's heart broke and she screamed in disappear. But what was worse is the explosion knocked her pod off course and she saw herself begin to drift towards the phantom zone. She got closer and closer until she was sucked in, and then everything went black.

Lena Luthor was born in 1993. Her first four years of her life were very different from the rest of her childhood. For the first four years Lena lived with her mother. She felt so much love and affection every day she spent with her. Lena remembers her mother being gorgeous. She grew up believing her mother was the most beautiful woman in the world.

But in 1997 Lena's life changed forever. Lena and her mom where enjoying time outside by a lake. Lena wasn't a confident swimmer but her mother wanted to go for a quick swim anyway. That's when Lena witnessed at four years old her mother going into the water and swimming around before suddenly being pulled under and never returning to the waters surface. At first Lena thought it was a game her mother was playing. But she soon realised something was wrong. Lena froze, being four years old, and not knowing what to do. Even though Lena was only four this didn't stop her from blaming herself for not doing something to save her mother.

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