Chapter 47

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Barry returns to the DEO desert facility with Kara in his arms. Kara is still absolutely devastated, sobbing uncontrollably.

"What happened?" Keiran asked, running to approach Barry and her mother.

Kara just continues to sob, not answering her daughter, too emotionally destroyed, and scared at this point. Keiran then looks at Barry for an answer.

"I.... it was bad.... I...." Barry replies, still shocked too from what he experienced. He can't even begin to imagine the pain Kara must be in. If Darkseid brought back Iris and then did the same thing to her, that he did to Lena, Barry isn't sure he'd be able to deal with it.

"Mom?" Keiran asks, concerned, stepping closer.

Kara falls to the floor and lets out a scream of pain, crying her eyes out. The problem however is that Kara's scream is so powerful that she shakes the facility, and causes Barry and Keiran to stumble back a few feet. Oliver Luthor-Danvers then comes rushing in.

"What's going on?" Oliver asks, as he sees his mother collapsed on the floor, still screaming.

By this point, Barry, Keiran and Oliver have all brought their hands to their ears, to try and muffle the sound of Kara's screams.

"We need to sedate her!" Keiran shouts.

Oliver and Barry nod, and Barry quickly picks Kara up again and speeds her into the medical bay, placing her down on a bed. Oliver and Keiran join the two heroes soon after.

Oliver and Barry attempt to hold Kara down on the bed, while she continues to sob, uncontrollably, while Keiran finds a Kryptonite tipped needle. After about a minute, Keiran finds what she is looking for, and then runs over to her mother and injects the drug into her mother's neck. Kara continues to sob after this, but her movements and tears slowly begin to get less violent, and quieter. This lasts about a minute and a half until Kara stills and stops making any noise, falling unconscious.

Barry, Keiran and Oliver all breathe a sigh of relief. Lori then walks into the room.

"What is going on?" Lori asks, worried, "Did something happen to mom?"

"She's okay, Lori. We just had to sedate her." Keiran explains.

"What? Why?" Lori asks, worried.

"Because that noise that just shook the entire DEO base, was coming from mom. She was crying, uncontrollably." Oliver explains.

"What? Why.... why was she crying? What happened?" Lori asks, confused.

"That, I would like to know too." Keiran says, as she looks at Barry.

Barry sighs, knowing that he is now in the incredibly awful situation of explaining to Kara and Lena's children what just transpired.

"Okay, but.... I think you should all take a seat..... what we saw..... it wasn't..... it was horrific." Barry says, nervously.

Lori and Keiran both pull up and seat and sit down, Oliver remains standing.

"I think I'll stand." Oliver says.

"Oliver! Stop being stubborn!" Keiran says, gesturing for her brother to take a seat as well.

Oliver lets out a huff.

"Fine." Oliver says, taking a seat. "Now start talking."

Barry nods his head.

"Okay.... So.... We got to Darkseid's ship..... and once we got to the sort of main building on the ship..... he came out of it.... and then we began talking..... We obviously thought we were walking into a trap, and told Darkseid as much, but he then explained that it wasn't a trap, he wanted to recruit Kara, for her to join his army, willingly, as he claimed her powers would be less if he forced her to join unwillingly." Barry explained.

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