Chapter 36

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It is 2090, Kara and Lena are both now approaching being 100 years old and their lives haven't slowed down a bit. Kara has continued with her freelance writing for CatCo, with her articles still being incredibly popular. Meanwhile Lena has continued to work as a part time researcher at L-Corp, having invented several more technologies and medical breakthroughs that have been ground breaking and earned L-Corp a lot of money, as well as saving a lot of people's lives.

Outside of work Kara and Lena still make time for one another, spending most of their days actually not working and just enjoying each other's company. Some days they just spend all day in bed making love to each other. While on other days they take things slow and go out for a nice walk, and have something nice to eat and then spend time with their growing family. In fact Oliver has had a second daughter called Eliza, named after Kara's adopted mother. Lena and Kara have spent a lot of time over the last few years taking care of their two grand children, more than happy to look after them while their parents continue with their work. Looking after the young children reminds Kara and Lena of when they had their three kids all those years ago. For them it has been over 60 years since they first had Oliver and Keiran, and luckily for them all of their kids aged just as slowly as them. Keiran and Lori both haven't had children, although they have been in a few relationships here and there. Keiran for herself is much like Lena and has spent a lot of time putting her work before her personal life, despite Lena telling her she shouldn't. That said Keiran has been in a few relationships with different people, but none of them have seemed to stick. Lori on the other hand is a proud gay woman, just like her mothers. Lori has spent time dating many different people throughout the years before she finally met the love of her life, a woman named Melissa. The two met and quickly fell in love and after dating for a few years were married in 2088.

Outside of work and their children Kara hasn't put on her suit to be Superwoman in decades. She hasn't been needed anymore with all the super heroes that are available, including Lori and Oliver. Of course Keiran also has powers but as far as Lena and Kara know she has avoided using them ever since she accidentally hurt Oliver when they were both kids. The only power Lena and Kara know that Keiran uses is her x-ray vision. Kara for her part isn't sad about not having used her suit and powers as Superwoman for years. All it means is that there are no more instances where Kara is right in the middle of something and then quickly has to rush off because, at the time, Supergirl was being called for. In fact there had been several times in the early days of Lena and Kara dating where they were both out on a date and in the middle of a romantic dinner at a restaurant, and Kara would have to quickly fly away to go help someone. Thankfully Lena had always been very understanding, and always encouraged Kara to go when she had to. But thankfully now that is no longer the case. Kara and Lena can enjoy their dates without the risk of Kara quickly having to jet off to go save the day.

As it is 2090 it has been 9 years since Alex passed away. There is rarely a day that goes by that Kara doesn't think of her sister. Kara knows that it's a loss that she truly won't ever recover from. Alex was more than just a sister to her. They had such a strong bond, stronger than most sisters. All that meant is that when Alex did die a large part of Kara died that day too. Ever since Alex's death it has felt like a piece of her heart has been missing, and perhaps that is pretty close to the truth. That isn't to say that Kara hasn't continued to find happiness with the rest of her family, she has. Kara has still been able to love Lena, their children and grandchildren just as much as she ever has. In fact it may have caused Kara to love them even more vigorously, trying to compensate for the part of her heart that is missing.

Of course it was obvious to anyone that knows Kara that Alex's death would have a profound impact on her, and all Kara's friends and family are well aware it still effects her mightily until this day. There are even times when Kara gets very sad and goes and sits by Alex's grave, just talking to her sister. Most of the time Kara does this on the anniversary of Alex's death, Alex's birthday and Kara's Earth birthday. Of course there are other times when Kara gets overwhelmed by the loss and she just goes to see her sister. Sometimes Kara allows Lena to go with her, but most of the time she goes on her own, not that she would ever refuse if Lena asked to go with her. However, Lena is well aware that Kara just needs time to be alone, to talk to her sisters grave in private, it helped her, and Lena didn't mind that, just as long as Kara told her before she left, and didn't turn her phone off.

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