Chapter 10

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Barry runs as fast as he can back to Central City. So this means it only takes him about 30 seconds to get to Central City and back inside Star Labs. When Barry enters the Cortex he immediately notices the windows have been smashed and various things have been destroyed and thrown around the room. Barry then hears screams and runs in the direction of them. Barry enters the hallway to the Archives and finds Cisco and Frost both unconscious. He quickly checks their pulse and to his relief they are both alive. Barry then heads inside the Star Archives itself.

"Get away. I won't let you take any more Kryptonite!" Barry hears Iris yell.

Barry then notices Lex Luthor in a Lex-O-Suit standing in front of Iris, with Iris between him and the Kryptonite.

"You should have stayed in the phantom zone." Barry says, announcing his presence.

Lex turns around and smiles at Barry.

"Ah I see you are finally here. Took you long enough." Lex smiles again.

"I don't know what you and Thawne plan to do, but I will stop you, and I won't let you get any more Kryptonite to hurt Supergirl." Barry says.

"Oh, I'm not here for the Kryptonite, that was just so I could get you here. I'm here for her!" Lex yells and points to Iris.

Lex quickly flies over to Iris and grabs her in his arms and flies out of the room. Barry quickly follows. They travel outside of Star Labs and outside of Central City. Barry is fast enough to keep up with Lex, the only problem is Lex is flying above the ground out of Barry's reach. Barry knows that Lex is leading him somewhere but he doesn't care, he has Iris. Barry realises that this might turn out the same way that happened to Kara and Lena. Lex is going to try and make Barry watch helplessly as Iris dies. But Barry won't let that happen.

Barry continues to chase after Lex for a few minutes, just following him closely. Finally Barry realises they are entering National City once more. Lex flies up on to the top of the L-Corp building and Barry runs up the side following Lex. At the top of the building Lex is holding Iris off the side of the ledge.

"Stop." Barry says, "You don't have to do this."

"Oh but I do." Lex smiles and then pushes Iris off the side of the building.

Barry quickly runs passed Lex and down the side of the building. As he's running down he realises that Lex has made sure to push Iris far enough away from the building that he can't grab her while he's running. He's going to have to jump to reach Iris. The only problem is he doesn't know how he's going to slow them down as they go hurtling towards the ground. But Barry can't think about that, he needs to save Iris.

Barry gets in position running down the building so he's parallel to Iris and then jumps, reaching out and grabbing Iris in his arms. The two have now moved further away from the side of the building, thanks to Barry's jumping momentum. Barry doesn't know what to do. He can't use his arms to blow a gust of wind on the ground because he has Iris in them. Barry just looks at Iris and accepts the inevitable as they come closer and closer to the ground.

Suddenly Barry notices that the ground is no longer getting closer, in fact it's getting further away. Barry looks up and notices Kara has arrived and is pulling them up holding on to one of Iris arms. Kara flies the two to the top of the L-Corp building, but as she does Lex is standing there waiting with Kryptonite in hand.

"I've been waiting for you." Lex smiles, holding out the rock.

Barry notices Kara getting weaker again and struggling to carry both himself and Iris closer to the building and to the ledge. Barry knows Kara won't last long. So Barry looks up at Kara struggling to carry them both with green Kryptonite veins on her neck.

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