Chapter 37

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November 2090

It has been 4 months now since Barry disappeared and presumably died, it has hit Kara hard. Kara just feels like it's yet another death that she has had to witness. Another person in her life who she has outlived. At the same time Kara has been feeling guilty. Guilty thinking that perhaps she could have done something differently to prevent it from happening. Thinking that perhaps she could have stopped the Reverse Flash somehow before he and Barry caused that large ball of lightening explosion. Barry's children, Lena, and all of Kara's other friends and family have assured her that there isn't anything else she could have done and that she shouldn't blame herself. That said, of course Kara still blames herself. Or at the very least, partially blames herself.

Since Barry's disappearance it has caused Kara to actually continue to use her suit and go out as Superwoman. Kara has spent particularly attention taking care of Central City. Stopping any and all crimes that villains are carrying out, who are trying to take advantage of the fact that The Flash is gone, even though there are other speedsters in the city. In reality Kara is only partially continuing to be Superwoman and protecting Central City to ease her guilt. The other reason she is doing it is because she has remembered that she feels better when she punches things. It allows Kara to let out some of her anger and frustrations, letting her briefly melt all her emotional baggage away. Kara also has remembered that she feels so at peace when she is flying through the air, alone. Kara has spent a lot of time over the last few months just floating at the top of the Earth's atmosphere, closing her eyes and soaking in the suns rays.

Currently Kara is relaxing at the top of the atmosphere. She is doing this because today is one of the rare days when Lena is actually going into the L-Corp labs to work. Lena has done most of her work over the last few decades in her purpose built lab in their home just outside of National City. But unfortunately (for Lena), her at home lab doesn't contain everything she needs to run all her experiments, so from time to time she has to go into L-Corp to work. Lena doesn't really mind going into L-Corp to work though. The only disappointment is that she isn't in the same house as Kara all day. But the benefits are that Lena usually stops to have lunch with Keiran and before she heads back home she makes a point to meet up with Kara and see Lori and/or Oliver also. Then sometimes the couple will just go home to their apartment they still have in the city.

Today however is different for Lena, and Keiran knows that something must be wrong. Lena has spent all day in the lab at L-Corp, barely leaving. Lena didn't leave to go and have lunch with Keiran, nor has she left despite it being 5PM, the time when both Kara and Lena have said for many years is when they stop working. So all these red flag tell Keiran that something is wrong.

Keiran heads down to the lab that her mother is working in. She heads inside and sees Lena hunched over a table reading through some data, clearly lost in thought.

"Ma'?" Keiran calls out.

Lena jumps in fright.

"Keiran!!" Lena yells in shock as she holds her chest from the fright.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just came down to see you because you didn't come to see me for lunch, and you're still here despite it being after 5." Keiran says.

Lena looks at her watch and gets a surprised look on her face.

"I had no idea that was the time." Lena replies.

Keiran gets a concerned look on her face.

"Now I definitely know something is wrong." Keiran says.

"Nothings wrong." Lena snaps back, far too quickly to be convincing.

Keiran shoots Lena a frown.

"It's not to do with mom is it? Did you get in a fight or something?" Keiran asks, worry in her voice.

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