Chapter 34

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"Darling? Are you ready?" Lena calls out to Kara from downstairs in their house outside of National City.

"Yeah ..... coming.... one sec...." Kara yells back from upstairs.

Lena rolls her eyes at her wife. Lena and Kara have been married for almost 50 years and are close to 80 years old, so by this point Lena is well aware that when Kara says 'one sec', that's at least 5 - 10 minutes. But Lena isn't too bothered to care, it just gives her some more time to spend with their children who have all come around to see them off.

"You realise she's not going to be a 'sec', right?" Keiran says to Lena.

Lena chuckles.

"I'm well aware of that. Almost 50 years of marriage, I'm well aware of when your mom is going to take longer than she says." Lena smiles.

"She's probably just panicking about what to bring and everything." Lori says.

"I'm sure she is." Lena smirks.

"So, how long will you two be gone?" Oliver asks, changing the subject.

"I have no idea." Lena smiles.

"Well.... will we see you again this year?" Oliver questions.

"I don't know Oliver. We are just going to take it as it comes. Of course if there's an emergency we'll be right back, but otherwise, we have no plans as to when we will return." Lena smiles.

The reason Lena and Kara do not know when they are going to return home to National City is because they are currently about to go on a trip around the world. Holidaying in various destinations that take their fancy, choosing how long they spend in each country and city before they move onto the next one. Of course money isn't an issue, the couple have billions at their disposal, as well as a private jet to fly them anywhere in the world. Then neither Kara or Lena have to worry about work. Lena and Kara have both recently retired from their positions as head of L-Corp and CatCo respectively. Lena has handed over the CEO position and chairwoman of the board to Keiran, while Kara made Nia the new Editor-in-chief of CatCo, with Lori taking Nia's position as the second in command. Of course the two do plan to work again in the future, but in lesser roles, and not anytime soon. Lena thinks that she'll probably eventually just work part time in the labs at L-Corp developing various technologies, while Kara thinks she'll take on a part time job as a journalist at CatCo. But for now neither Kara or Lena have any intention of even thinking about work.

"Well, will you at least tell us where you're going first?" Lori asks.

"Hawaii. We never got to go there just the two of us, so we are gonna do that first, and have a nice romantic time together." Lena smirks.

"Gross. Didn't need those details ma'" Oliver cringes.

"I wasn't even referring to that." Lena replies quickly.

"Oh." Oliver says.

"But that too." Lena smirks.

"Ma!!!" Oliver groans.

Lena laughs.

"Alright, I'm all ready to go." Kara smiles, appearing with two suitcases in her hand.

"Ugh, you're bringing two suitcases?" Lena groans.

"Yeah. I mean we don't know how long we're going to be gone Lee! I need a lot of clothes!" Kara says.

"I told you we can just buy clothes." Lena says.

"Well I can unpack if you...." Kara begins.

"No!" Lena quickly interrupts.

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