Chapter 12

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"What have you got?" Kara asks as she and Barry join everyone around the computers in The Tower.

"We have been trying to find any trace of the phantom zone being used recently." Brainy begins.

"And we found that it's clear that just after the attack on L-Corp when Thawne stop the phantom zone projector it was used minutes later to open a portal to the phantom zone releasing Lex." Cisco continues.

"But then we began looking at data from the past few weeks. And that's when we found that this wasn't the first time the phantom zone was connected to.... for the lack of a better word.... over the last few weeks." Lena explains.

"Okay, so what does that mean?" Kara asks.

"We believe that Thawne found a way to connect to the phantom zone and communicate with Lex. That's how we believe they made their planned attacks so quickly. But to free Lex from the phantom zone we think that Thawne didn't have the materials or even perhaps the knowledge to build one. So he stole it from L-Corp while also we believe starting off his plan with Lex by attacking Lena and you Kara." Brainy says.

Barry looks at Kara concerned. He knows this is all taking a bit of a toll on Kara. Admittedly it's obviously taking a toll on him as well.

"Okay... well that sounds like what they have done... what about what they will do?" Barry asks.

"Right. Well we continued to do scans for phantom zone activity and luckily there has not been any. That said we then did a scan for any Kryptonite and we found a significant Kryptonite level in a building just north of the city. It just so happens to be the same building where the phantom zone projector was used a few days ago." Cisco explains.

"Okay great! Let's go get them!" Kara smiles.

"Wait Kara..... it sounds like a trap to me." Alex says.

"Yeah obviously." Nia adds.

"I know it is. But what should we do? Just wait for them to hurt more people we care about?" Kara asks.

"No. We're not saying that. We're saying that we need a plan. These are two of the smartest people on the planet we can't just go charging in, that's how you will get yourself killed Kara." J'onn says.

"I don't care I'm sick of waiting...." Kara begins.

"I agree with J'onn." Barry interrupts.

"What? I.... I thought out of everyone you'd be just as eager to take them down as me Barry." Kara says sounding hurt.

Barry sighs.

"I am.... but I've fought Thawne enough times now to know if I go in without a plan.... if we go in without a plan.... we will both get ourselves killed. Then what?" Barry explains.

"I.. I...." Kara begins, getting a bit emotional.

"Can Kara and I have the room please?" Lena asks.

Everyone just smiles and nods as they leave Kara and Lena alone. As Alex leaves she places a reassuring hand on Lena's shoulder and gives her a gentle squeeze of affection. Eventually Kara and Lena are alone.

"Lena I.." Kara begins.

"No you listen to me Kara Zor-El! You are one of the most smart, caring, passionate and intelligent people I know. But you sometimes let your caring nature put you at needles risk." Lena says sternly.

Kara is surprised by Lena's stern tone. She hasn't ever really spoken to Kara like this while they have been in their relationship.

"Lena..." Kara tries again.

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