Chapter 14

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Kara and Lena spent several weeks, after they first toured their new remodelled apartment, decorating their home. This involved painting various walls and ceilings, something, as Lena expected, Kara took great joy in, throwing paint at Lena on several occasions. Of course Lena isn't one to allow herself to be bullied so she dished out just as much as she got. This lead to one particular occasions where Supergirl was asked by someone she just saved why she had cream paint all over her hair. Not to mention a messy paint make out and love making session which resulted in Kara and Lena needing to repaint the entire room, and replace a bunch of furniture they permanently ruined with paint.

Also decorating the apartment involved moving furniture in. When Kara and Lena were originally planning it all they thought this would be the easy part as Kara could just fly the furniture in through the balconies. But when it came to it the two both realised that it would be a very very bad idea if someone happened to catch Supergirl flying a couch or other furniture with her, even worse if they saw her flying the furniture into the apartment. So Kara and Lena decided that they would move the furniture that they wanted from Kara's apartment and Lena's storage unit the old fashioned way, by hiring a moving van and asking their friends to help, with the promise of pizza as their reward. Of course at first the super friends were not eager to help, but once they understood that it was just to protect Supergirl from being spotted flying furniture about they agreed, although not enthusiastically. They were very enthusiastic when not only did Lena promise them pizza as their reward but to share with them several bottles of the finest wines and scotches that Lena had collected over the years.

The moving itself was actually rather easy. Most of the moving was just to carry boxes with various items that Kara and Lena both had, mostly personal nick knacks and clothing. The only 'heavy' objects that Kara and Lena decided to move to their apartment was Kara's bed's mattress, one of Kara's couches and one of Lena's couches. Seeing as they had two people with super strength carrying these objects was easy. All the super friends really had to do is make a show of pretending to help carry these objects while Kara and J'onn did the heavy lifting. The difficulty was actually more the size rather than the weight.

The mattress from Kara's bed wasn't actually used as the one for Lena and Kara's new bed. They used it for one of their guest room beds, just simply because they didn't want to waste such a comfortable mattress. The real reason they didn't use it for their own bed was because Kara was keen to go from a double bed to a California king size bed. Kara's reasoning for this was so they'd have a big enough bed that they could both stretch out comfortably. Although in reality this never happened as the two continued to sleep cuddled up amongst one another as if they were sleeping in a single bed.

The remaining furniture that Kara and Lena decorated their apartment with was new furniture that they had delivered to the apartment. This was a lot easier as all the two needed to do was get the new furniture into the private elevator and then Kara could do the rest. Some of this furniture required the two to build it themselves. This was a particular task which caused some frustration between the two, simply because Kara was very keen to read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly while doing everything herself with her powers. But this resulted on several occasions where Kara would put the furniture together using her powers without Lena's help and then it would fall apart. Lena on the other hand frustrated Kara with her furniture building because she was always insistent that she had a better way to put the furniture together than the instructions. Of course Lena was right, but this didn't take away from Kara being frustrated at Lena's smugness.

The only really difficult thing to move into their new apartment was a grand piano which Lena very much was insistent that they get, as she wanted to play again, and maybe teach Kara. Meanwhile Kara very much liked the idea, although she knew she is far too clumsy to easily learn how to play the piano. Getting the grand piano into their apartment required removing the pianos legs completely, and then reattaching them once it was inside. This took them both several hours to do. The company that delivered the piano were insistent that they could help them as they regularly encountered this problem, but Kara and Lena gracefully rejected their offer. This wasn't because they were stubborn and wanted to do it themselves. This was just because they both didn't want strangers entering their home. They wanted their apartment to remain a secret as to the insides to the outside world, other than their friends and family of course. Although obviously not Lena's family.

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