Chapter 4

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It's has been a few weeks now and Kara and Lena have been spending a lot of time with each other. Not to say they didn't spend a lot of time with each other previously, before the reveal, just it's even more now. Lena has stuck to her decision to no longer allow her work at L-Corp to consume her, and make sure she puts time aside for her personal life. This isn't just so she can spend time with Kara and her other friends, but time that she can actually do things she enjoys outside of working on L-Corp related matters. It just so happens Lena has been happy to spend almost all of her personal time with Kara currently.

Kara and Lena have both been processing their unprocessed emotions together, about everything that has happened. Even though they have both talked their emotions through several times and comforted each other that hasn't stopped the teary eyes and the days of them being upset, emotions don't work that way. Emotions get better slowly over time, not instantly. Although both Lena and Kara feel that each other's presence helps their emotional situation significantly.

Over the last few weeks Lena has had to make several major decisions in regards to L-Corp and her other business adventures. One of the decisions she has had to make is to save Obsidian North, and along with it CatCo. Due to Lex's use of the Obsidian platform to try and kill billions of people Obsidian's stock has plummeted with many demanding the company be dissolved by law. In regards to Andrea Rojas while people have recognised that she was not involved in what happened to Obisidan Platinum they have pointed out that she was in charge and it still happened under her watch so she is still responsible, even if not in regards to a criminal matter. So due to all of this Lena took the decision to purchase Obaidian North along with all of its holdings, which includes CatCo and incorporate it into L-Corp as a division of the company. This of course was a hard decision for Lena to make because she knows from an optic perspective people will not like the sister of Lex Luthor buying the technology which her brother tried to use to kill billions. But on the other hand of things Lena wants to save CatCo as at the end of the day she was the one who sold it to Andrea to spite Kara, and she'd feel guilty if she just bought back CatCo and allowed Andrea to suffer along with Obsidian. So once Lena bought Obsidian she announced that that division of L-Corp would be put under government oversight and the Obsidian Platinum platform would be permanently terminated. Lena kept Andrea as the co-head of the Obsidian North division while also promoting Kelly to work alongside her, as Lena recognises that Kelly was the person in Obsidian North that was able to point out the problems with the platform, so she believes she'll be a good balance to work alongside Andrea. In regards to CatCo Lena removed Andrea as the head of the company as she recognises that now more than ever it's important for the company to not just be used as a promotional tool for Obsidian North which Andrea turned it into, even if it was at Lena's suggestion as yet another way to get back at Kara. Lena decided to resume her role as head of CatCo while allowing the chief editors to retain more creative control of the product so that she isn't seen as making the decisions as to what they print or not, as Lena knows that the public wouldn't like that. Lena did think about appointing Kara as the CEO and editor-in-chief of CatCo but she decided against that as Kara already has enough on her plate at the moment being Supergirl and a reporter, let alone also dealing with her complex emotions from the last year. But Lena does fully intend to discuss the topic some time in the future as she wants Kara to undertake the role as she deserves it. But she won't force it on her until Kara believes she is ready.

Outside of matters directly related to L-Corp Lena has also anonymously invested a large amount of her personal money into the new company Smoak Tech which is headed by Oliver Queen's widow Felicity Smoak. Of course Lena could have used some of the L-Corp capital to invest in Smoak Tech but she feels this is a more personal matter. Lena has listened carefully to Kara's emotional guilt in regards to Oliver's death and she understands why Kara feels this way. So even though it doesn't make up for Felicity losing her husband and Mia and William losing their father Lena invests in Smoak tech as even if it helps them a little in terms of finances, happiness or success of the company then it's worth it. Lena knows fully well that Kara will always feel incredibly indebted to Oliver because of the sacrifice he made for her and Barry. But Lena also recognises that she too is in debt to Oliver on a personal level, as Lena doesn't know how she would have survived if Kara had died. So not only is Lena in debt to Oliver along with everyone else living in the new multiverse for rebooting the universe, but she is in debt to him for saving Kara, she always will be. If that means that from the shadows Lena uses her financial capital to watch out for Oliver's family then she is more than happy to do it.

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