Chapter 32

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It is now 2050. Kara and Lena are both approaching 60 years old, although neither of them look much older than 30, perhaps late 20s. Obviously for Lena it is because of her drug and for Kara it is because of her Kryptonian DNA. Keiran and Oliver are now both 26 years old, turning 27 in November of the year. Over the last several years Oliver has continued to work at the DEO with Brainy and has risen in the ranks to be the second in command. In the process Oliver has saved many people and aliens from various threats, and on a few times he has been able to team up with his mother Kara. As for Keiran in the spring for 2044 she graduated MIT with several degrees, obviously completing them in only 2 years. After this she moved back to National City to attend university at NCU where by 2046 she had 2 PhDs under her belt. After that Lena offered Keiran a place at L-Corp, working in the research department which she eagerly accepted and as been in the role ever since, progressing to the head of the department when the previous head retired. No one argued that Lena only gave her daughter the promotion because she's her daughter, all the employees know how talented Keiran is.

As for Lori, that is a whole different story. Currently she is 22 years old, turning 23 in August. After Keiran and Oliver moved out in 2042 Kara and Lena made sure to pay so much attention to their youngest daughter, to make it adamantly clear that they don't love her any less than her siblings. In response to this Lori began to grow, not physically, but emotionally as a person. She became so much more confident in herself while embracing the more nerdier sides of her personality. This resulted in Lori actually developing some close friends for the first time ever. But the biggest change for Lori came in the summer of 2045, she was just about to turn 18 and go off to college and she suddenly developed powers. Needless to say Kara, Lena and Lori were all shocked, none of them ever said anything after their talk in 2042, but they all quietly assumed that Lori just wouldn't get powers. But when she did they were incredible. In fact out of the 3 siblings Lori was the only one to get all of Kara's abilities, much to her happiness. Of course once she did develop her powers she began extensive training with Kara, while Lena assisted, taking various notes and readings, while also offering some moral support. Lena even gifted Lori the same pair of lead glasses that she wore when she briefly had powers while she was pregnant with her youngest daughter. Once Lori put them on she was basically a mini Kara. The only real differences were that she has a few of Lena's facial features, and most notably Lena's green eyes.

Along with Lori's newfound powers she also began to become even more creative than before. She would paint and draw constantly, but she also began to write. In fact eventually she got the journalism bug and wanted to become a reporter just like Kara. Of course in turn Kara guided Lori down that path after she told her parents that's what she wanted to do. This meant from 2045 to 2049 Lori studied journalism at NCU and after she graduated she eagerly accepted Kara's offer to come work at CatCo.

But journalism wasn't the only bug that Lori got, she got the super hero bug as well, much to both her parents dismay. Kara and Lena were especially protective of their youngest daughter, so hearing that she wanted to be a super hero just like Kara, well that worried them very much. But Lori was insistent that she was going to do it with or without her two mother's help, so they helped her in the end. Lena and Kara both gifted Lori with a refreshed version of Kara's first super hero suit with the skirt. Lena had repaired the cape and made some upgrades to the fibres while also including a small Kryptonite protection device. Lena and Kara were not sure if any of their children were vulnerable to Kryptonite like Kara, and they didn't want to test it, so Lena prepared just in case. When Lori took her first flight as a super hero people went crazy over it, they all assumed she was Supergirl's daughter, rightly of course. But just like with Kara, they never pieced together who Lori was. There was however a big debacle over what to call this new female super hero, with much debate raging online. Kara as Editor-in-chief of Catco, the news organisation that named Supergirl, settled the arguments by stating that she'd done an interview with the two super heroes and from then on Supergirl would be known as Superwoman and the new hero would be called Supergirl. Of course over the next few months the name switch got a bit confusing, for Kara and her friends and family also, but after a while it began to fall into place.

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