Chapter 33

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It is now 2063. Kara and Lena are both around 70 years old. Kara of course still looks around 30 while Lena looks like she's in her mid 30s. Ever since the announcement to the world that Kara is Superwoman things were crazy. Kara's life of just being unnoticed while as Kara Danvers became non existent. People would hound Kara wherever she went. It went on for several months until it finally died down a bit. Of course it never went back to normal. Things had changed forever in that regard.

Today is February 4th 2063. It is a notable day because Kara, Lena, Oliver, Keiran and Lori are all dressed in black in a church in Metropolis. Today is the day of Lois Lane's funeral. Lois Lane died a few days prior of old age, living to the age of 85. Of course Clark has been absolutely devastated, even though him and his half Kryptonian boys have known this has been coming for a long time. Clark himself has aged more noticeably than Kara. He looks as if he's in his 50s, instead of being close to 90. Clark has a few grey hairs at the side of his head by his ears.

The funeral is of course a sad affair. No one likes funerals. Once it is over they lay Lois' coffin to rest in her grave. A while later Clark approaches Kara. Kara gestures for Lena and their kids to go so she can have a private word with her cousin.

"Kal. I'm so sorry." Kara say as she takes her cousin in for a hug.

"Thank you Kara. I knew this day would come. But...... I didn't realise how much it would hurt." Clark replies.

"I know." Kara nods with tears in her eyes.

"I..... just want to say..... with Lois gone..... I know you'll be here for my boys if they ever need you." Clark says as he looks over at his two sons who are standing off to the side, looking sad.

"Of course I will. You know that." Kara nods.

"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to go see the boys. Give my love to Lena and the kids." Clark says with a sad smile.

"I will." Kara smiles back, slightly.

"Oh, and Kara?" Clark says as he's about to turn away.

"Yes?" Kara replies.

"You're the best cousin I could ask for, and I love you." Clark says.

"I love you too Kal." Kara replies with a sad smile.

Clark then nods and walks over to his sons. Kara then heads over to Lena.

"How is he?" Lena asks.

"As well as you think. I think he's most concerned about how his boys are going to handle it." Kara says.

"Yeah. Losing a parent is tough." Lena says.

"I know." Kara nods.

Kara and Lena then both walk hand in hand with their children following them. A few hours later they get aboard Lena's private jet to head back home to National City.

The next day Kara is flying across the city as Superwoman, just on a patrol. Kara rarely does patrols anymore, Lori has really been the one to step it up as a hero, allowing Kara to take a back seat. Kara just lends a hand ever now and then, or if she happens to hear of any crimes taking place with her hearing. Currently Kara is just on a patrol to clear her head. Kara is still thinking about Lois and how Clark must feel now that she's gone. It makes Kara think about Lena's mortality, and while she is glad that Lena's drug allows her to live longer, Kara is well aware that it won't make her live as long as her. So one day Kara is going to have to deal with the same thing as Clark.

Kara flies about the city for a good few hours before she is interrupted by her coms unit. Kara right away knows it must be important, as her friends rarely use it to contact her nowadays.

"Kara?" Brainy says over the comms.

"Yes Brainy?" Kara replies.

"I'm picking up a signal from the Fortress of Solitude. I'm not sure if you want to check it out?" Brainy says.

"Great." Kara mumbles, "Yeah I'll go right away."

Kara quickly flies to the fortress and makes her way inside. Kara quickly is able to tell that something is wrong because the systems are not powered down, and there are only a few people on the planet who have authorisation to start them up. Those people being Kara, Clark, Clark and Lois' sons, Lena, Brainy, Lori, Keiran, Oliver and formerly, Lois.

Kara walks into the main room of the fortress and she suddenly feels a slight pain. The pain of Kryptonite. Kara then looks around to find where it is coming from and to her horror she sees Clark laying on the floor, a Kryptonite sword through his chest.

"Kal!!!" Kara shouts and runs over to him, not caring about the Kryptonite.

Kara falls down on the floor next to her cousin and she can tell right away that this wasn't recent. The blood has congealed and Clark died a long time ago.

"No!!!!!!" Kara sobs. "Who did this?!"

Kara cries for a few moments before she is interrupted by a voice.

"Hello Kara." Clark's voice says, however it's not coming from Clark's body.

Kara turns around and sees that there is a video of Clark playing. Taken from inside of the fortress.

"If you are watching this then, I'm dead. I'm sorry you had to see this. But.... I can't bare to live without Lois. I've kept this Kryptonite blade in the fortress for a while, for this purpose. I hope you understand. Please, tell my boys I love them, and please watch out for them. Goodbye Kara." Clark says and the video ends.

"No!!" Kara says, frantically.

Kara falls to her knees by Clark's body and cries.

"Please Kal..... please let this be a dream...." Kara sobs, "I was supposed to protect you..."

Kara continues to cry over Clark's body for hours and hours until she is interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Kara?" Lena calls out.

Kara is still crying and doesn't reply. Lena then walks into the main room of the fortress and spots Kara sitting on the floor next to Clark's body.

"Oh Rao!! Kara!!" Lena says as she runs over to Kara's side and falls to her knees. "What happened?"

Kara is silent for a moment as she continues to sob. Lena places a reassuring hand on Kara's arm.

"He...... he couldn't live.... without Lois..... I.... I found him like this..... he killed himself..... with a Kryptonite sword." Kara sobs.

Lena looks at Clark's body and sees the Kryptonite sword still inside him.

"Kara? Cant you feel the Kryptonite? Doesn't it hurt?" Lena asks concerned.

"A bit..... but I deserve it..... this is my fault...." Kara sobs.

"No!" Lena says, firmly, "This is not your fault. Clark made a decision, him alone. You are not responsible for him or that decision. You can't blame yourself Kara."

Kara continues to sob so Lena takes her wife into her arms and holds her tightly. After a while Lena moves away, not because she wants to, but because she doesn't want Kara to be near the Kryptonite much longer.

"Kara?" Lena says, "Lets go home."

Kara looks up at Lena with tears still in her eyes.

"But Kal....." Kara sobs.

"I'll have Brainy see to it. You shouldn't be here when they take out the Kryptonite sword. His body is probably protecting you from the worse effects. We can go home. I'll handle all the arrangements." Lena says, knowing she needs to be strong so Kara can lean on her and get through this.

"I..... okay....." Kara nods after a moments silence.

Lena gets to her feet and holds out her hand for Kara to take, she does and Lena pulls her wife to her feet. Kara then looks at Clark again and crouches down and places a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodbye Kal." Kara says with tears in her eyes.

Kara then turns back to Lena and Lena pulls Kara close as they walk through a portal leading back to their apartment.

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