Chapter 41

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A flash of purple comes to life in the middle of Lena's lab under Kara and Lena's home and Kara appears, coming back from the other Earth in the multiverse. After a few seconds Kara is able to look around and get her bearings. The lab is of course caked in darkness. Kara hasn't been down in the lab in over a decade, having no use for it without Lena, while also not wanting to step foot inside without her wife.

Kara takes a deep breath and steps forward, beginning to make her way out of the lab. But suddenly without Kara doing anything the light to the lab flashes on.

"Who's there!?! I have a gun!" Kara hears Lena's voice say.

Kara's gut suddenly fills with dread, she isn't back on her Earth, and now she once more has to deal with looking at yet another Lena and going through the whole process of trying to get her home, back to her Earth.

"Kara?" Lena asks as she steps foot inside the lab for the first time, a gun in hand. "How did you get here? You scared me."

Kara falls to her knees and sobs, unable to keep it together anymore. Kara can't take seeing a Lena who this time is completely identical to her wife, it's just too much.

Lena drops the gun on the floor and quickly runs over to Kara, falling to the ground and taking her wife into a hug.

"It's okay. It's okay. I've got you. You don't need to cry darling." Lena says as she holds Kara tight.

"NO!!! It's not!" Kara says, pulling away angrily and standing up.

"Kara?" Lena questions with worry on her face.

"I'm not your Kara! I'm from a different universe!!! My Lena died 10 years ago when her drug stopped working!!!!!!!!" Kara yells, angrily.

Lena suddenly gets a wide-eyed look.

"Kara? What.... what is the name of your Earth?" Lena asks, hesitantly.

"Earth prime... or I thought it was... I don't know anymore..." Kara says as she continues to cry.

Lena takes a step closer to Kara and reaches out and holds her hand.

"Kara..... what..... what year are you from?" Lena asks.

Kara looks up at Lena, slightly confused.

"2122." Kara replies.

Lena goes wide-eyed once more.

"Kara.... this.... this is Earth prime.... but it's not 2122..... It's 2090...... August 2090 to be exact.... and.... I only just found out my drug.... has stopped being as effective as it was... a few days ago. I haven't had the heart to tell you yet." Lena explains.

Kara suddenly looks up at Lena and even more tears appear in her eyes. This is her Lena. A Lena before she told Kara that her drug was failing in November 2090. A Lena before the long rode to the end of Lena's life in 2112.

"Lena?" Kara sobs and then quickly pulls her wife into a hug.

Lena holds Kara tightly, clinging onto her wife.

"It's okay Kara. I've got you. I love you." Lena says.

Kara just sobs loudly into Lena's shoulder as she continues to hold onto her wife tightly for several minutes. Kara knows that this can't last forever. Kara is well aware that if she is in the past she can't stay here for long without irreparably damaging the timeline. But even so Kara is just hugging her wife tight, taking in every single second she can. Kara never thought she would see her wife again in the flesh. Kara hoped that she would see her again in Rao's light, but never in person like this. Of course, during the dark times over the last 10 years Kara had considered going back in time to just see Lena for a few minutes, to hug her and hold her, all while not telling her she was from the future. But Kara decided against that, as she didn't want to lie to her wife, and at the same time she knew that Lena would know that something is up with her from the way she would act. Then at the same time Kara doesn't want to effect the timeline. Kara is of course in a state where she honestly wouldn't care if the timeline was destroyed as long as it got her a few more minutes with Lena. But what Kara didn't want to happen is for her to go back in time and change the timeline and then inadvertently cause Lena to die even sooner than she already had. Kara couldn't risk that. So, Kara is just savouring every second of this hug.

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