"𝐏𝐮𝐩" [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎]

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Alec woke up before Magnus that morning. The sun was shining brightly outside, so he went to go and sit on the balcony.

Alec almost never woke up before Magnus, but when he did, he let Magnus sleep.

He went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee on that Saturday morning.

Alec was still thinking about what had happened to his father, he thought about what he could have done to make his father love him again, but he tried not to think about it because it would only waste his energy.

He took his coffee and sat on the balcony. He watched as all the cars passed as the sun rose. Alec liked New York because he liked how everyone in the city kept moving whatever was going on.

Alec heard a noise coming from the bedroom. He turned around to see Magnus getting out of bed.

He admired Magnus's body, his chocolate brown skin was lit up by the sun shining in through the window.

Magnus walked out of the room and onto the balcony to meet Alec.
"Good morning baby." Said Alec.
Magnus planted a kiss on his boyfriends cheek, "good morning."

Magnus sat on the chair beside Alec and looked out at the city.

Magnus leaned over to Alec and took the cup from his hand. Magnus took a sip from the cup and watched as the sun rose.

"Are you ok Alexander?" Magnus asked.
"Yeah I guess, I just feel a bit weird." Alec replied still looking out at the city.
"It's ok to be upset Alexander, your dad just died. I am always here for you if you need to talk."
Alec turned his head so that he was facing Magnus, "thank you Magnus, I really appreciate it. I just don't really know what I feel at the moment." Alec told him.

Magnus stood up from his seat and went over to Alec to give him a gentle kiss on the lips, like butterfly wings gently stroking each other.

"I love you Magnus." Alec said.
"I love you too."

Magnus went into the kitchen to go and make himself a coffee, and also make Alec one because he had just finished his boyfriends drink.

Alec looked out into the sky and thought about many things in his life. He found that most of the things he thought about circled back to Magnus. He was so in love with Magnus.

He thought about a future with Magnus and what they would be like when they were older. Magnus was immortal so he would never grow any older than he was, but Alec would and one day Alec would be old and feeble and not be able to remember Magnus.

Magnus would have to remind him who he was, but he thought Magnus would still love him whatever age he was.

Alec thought about it for a while. I want to marry Magnus babe thought Alec. His heart began to beat a little faster, he wanted to propose to him and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Magnus.

Magnus came back onto the balcony with two cups of coffee in his hands. "Here you go babe." Magnus said handing Alec his coffee.

Magnus sat down on the chair beside his boyfriend. Alec was still staring aimlessly at the sky.
"Are you ok?" Asked Magnus.
"Yeah Um- why would I not be ok, everything is totally fine." Alec stuttered nervously.
"Really because you seem nervous." Magnus exclaimed.

Magnus was right, he was nervous. Alec was thinking about marrying Magnus, but he didn't want to say anything because he didn't know if Magnus wanted the same thing.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just I'm so in love with you." Alec told him.
"I love you too Alexander, but that's a bit random, are you sure nothings wrong?" Magnus asked concerned.
"Yeah don't worry Magnus." Alec reassured him.
Magnus still wasn't sure, but didn't say anything else.

When they both left the balcony, Magnus went and did his own thing, while Alec went to call Izzy.

He went into a room where Magnus couldn't hear him.

Alec dialled her number and then waited for her to pick up.
Izzy- Hey big bro.
Alec- Hey Izzy, I need to ask you something
Izzy- yeah sure, what is it?
Alec- well I'm thinking about proposing to Magnus, but I didn't know if it was the right time or if I just shouldn't do it
Izzy- wait Alec are you serious, that's amazing you should definitely do it!
Alec- so you don't think it weird or anything?
Izzy- no of course not and why Would it be weird?
Alec- I don't know, but I just wanted to ask you.
Izzy- I'm always here Alec and I'm so proud of you.
Alec- I love you Iz
Izzy- I love you too big bro.

Alec hung up the phone and then went back into the living room to see Magnus.
"Who were you calling?" Magnus asked.
"Oh I was just calling Izzy, I was just seeing if she was ok." Alec replied.
"Oh ok."

Magnus went to sit on their sofa, he put on the tv and flicked through the channels. Alec went and sat beside him.

"What do you want to watch?" Asked Magnus as Alec cuddled up into him.
"I don't mind." Alec answered, all he wanted right now was to be next to his boyfriend.

Alec was actually feeling pretty tired that day (probably because he woke up so early).

Magnus let Alec curl up into him, Magnus loved watching Alec fall asleep by him, he thought it was adorable.

Magnus put a movie on in the background just so he could play with Alec's thick, black hair for a while.

Alec enjoyed when Magnus played with his hair, it made him more tired.

Alec curled his body further towards Magnus. Alec's legs were now resting on top of Magnus's.
"You're adorable." Magnus whispered as Alec closed his eyes.
"I'm not cute, I'm a shadow hunter." Alec whispered back, almost fully asleep.
"Whatever you say pup." Magnus said.

Alec fell asleep on Magnus's chest. Magnus was still awake while Alec was quietly snoring (even though he denied it)

Magnus slowly got up from the sofa and lifted up Alec's legs. Magnus picked Alec up, bridal style, and carried him into the bedroom. Alec's head was resting on Magnus's shoulder as he was still fast asleep.

Magnus rested him down onto the bed and kissed his forehead, lightly brushing his lips against his boyfriends skin.

Alec stirred around in the bed and reached a hand out for Magnus.
"Don't go." Alec said half asleep.
"Don't worry Alexander, I'm getting into bed with you right now."

Magnus got into bed and put and arm around Alec, pulling him closer towards him as he slept.
"Goodnight my love." Magnus whispered and then fell asleep with Alec in his arms.

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