𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞 [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏]

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Alec was sat in his room at the institute. He had to go back so that he could get started on his work. He couldn't avoid his father forever.

It was the morning and the sun outside was shining brightly. Alec got ready into his black jumper and jeans. He usually wore the same thing because Alec didn't really take much of an interest in fashion, unlike Magnus.

Magnus was defiantly the opposite, he wore the most elaborate clothes with the perfect amount of fabric to match his body type. Alec didn't really care about what he wore. Magnus would complain that Alec's clothes had holes in them, but Alec never really seemed to realise.

The first time Magnus saw Alec dressing nicer than usual was at their first date. Alec wore a blue collared shirt and jeans. Blue suited Alec, it matched his eyes, but instead he just wore black which hid himself from people. He liked being in shadows which was probably what made him a great shadow Hunter.

Alec had always been in Jace's shadow. He knew that everyone loved Jace (including himself) and he knew that Jace was an amazing shadow Hunter. It was debatable to say who was the best shadow Hunter because people often said it was Jace.

Many girls loved the blonde hair, amber eyes, ripped body and pale skin combo. Alec had a crush on Jace when they were younger, he hadn't told anyone, but his sister worked it out. She was the first person to find out that Alec was gay, but he didn't mind because he trusted Isabelle with his life and he would do anything to protect her.

Alec was shocked when he found out that Magnus liked him. People always chose Jace to have a crush on and over time Alec got used to living in peoples shadows and being the friend that was unnoticed.

Alec was a born leader, but when it came to relationships he usually didn't even try. Before Magnus he had never dated anyone. It wasn't just because he don't know how, or because he didn't have time, it was because he was afraid. Afraid of what his parents would think, afraid of what would change and who would change after people found out that he wasn't attracted to girls. He didn't want anything to change because he was happy with his life, or happy with the life that his father wanted him to have.

Alec pretended to be someone he wasn't his whole life and when he was finally able to be who he was, he was afraid. His father hated him and his mother hadn't spoken to him in ages.

He tried not to think about it, or waste his energy on something like because he knew it would take time. Even if his parents never accepted him, he always told himself that they would and then he would he happy.

Alec walked into the weapons room. Izzy was the weapons master so she spent most of her time in there.

"Hey Izzy." Alec said as he walked in.

"Hey Alec, I thought you were at Magnus's." She said.

"No I came here last night because I have to do some work." He told her.

"Have you spoken to dad?" Izzy asked.
"No not yet and I don't exactly want to speak to him at the moment."

Izzy looked up from what she was doing. "Well when you do, I'll be here to talk to you." She said and then went back to work.

Alec left the weapons room, he was going to make a quick announcement to the institute about who needs to go where. He was the head of the institute still, so he still had to do his job whatever his father had said about.

Jace saw Alec and went over to talk to him. They hasn't spoken since Alec had kissed Magnus in front of everyone had left the institute.

"Alec why didn't you tell me?" Jace asked.

"Tell you what?"

"That you were gay and that you were dating Magnus. You know the high warlock of Brooklyn."

"Surprisingly I do know who he." Alec answered sarcastically. And I didn't tell you because you were on a boat kidnapped by Valentine."

"Oh yeah true, but just so we're clear I wasn't kidnapped, I have myself up in exchange to save your life." Jace informed him.

"Ok Jace, thanks for saving me."

Alec's phone began to ring. He walked away from Jace so that he could pick up the call.

"'Mr Lightwood, I am calling you to inform you that you have been offered a position on the council, the delegate. If you wish to accept this then please contact me when you make up your mind." The woman said.

Alec didn't know what to say, he was just offered a position on the council. He'd always dreamed of working in Idris.
"Thank you Jia, I will contact you when I decide on my final decision." Alec replied and then he heard a beep. Jia Penhallow ended the call.

Alec was so excited that he had the chance to move to Idris and work there, it had always been his dream ever since he was young.

But Alec quickly thought about Magnus and how warlocks were not allowed in Idris, now Alec had to decide between Magnus and getting a job on the council.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 [𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now