𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑]

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Alec opened his eyes. He had been unconscious and his head hurt. He looked down and saw blood on his hands.
Is this my blood? Alec thought.

He tired to sit up, but he was chained to a pole behind him.

He tried to move his wrists to get out, but it was no use.

Alec looked around, he was on a boat. There were many people on the boat. People that Valentine were going to use to create dark Shadowhunters.

He tried to see if he had his stele, but he didn't, he didn't have his bow and quiver either. Valentine must have taken them.

Alec sat on the floor for a while until Valentine walked up to him, a man stood beside him. He didn't look too old, he had blonde hair and very distinct cheek bones.

"What do you want?" Alec asked in almost a whisper.

"I need you to help me create dark Shadowhunters." Valentine replied, casually.

Alec didn't say anything, he just stared at Valentine and the man beside him.

—back at the institute—
"I need to use our parabatai bond to track Alec." Jace said.

"Are you sure Jace, that could be dangerous." Izzy reminded him.

"It's the only way Iz and we need Alec back."

"Ok, but just don't let it go too far."

Jace laid on the bed in the institute. Hodge had come into the room to help Jace with the parabatia tracking. Magnus was sat on a chair beside the bed to help Jace with the pain.

Hodge drew over Jace's parabatai rune.
"Are you ready?" Hodge asked.
"Yes. Do it."

Jace could feel the rune beginning to burn and his body began to twitch from the pain. He used the bond to try and find Alec.

He got quick flashes of where Alec was, but it wasn't clear.

Jace made a loud groaning noise as the pain was starting to take over his whole body.

Magnus got up from the chair he was sat in and began to help Jace with the pain by using his magic.

—back on the boat—
Alec was sat on the ground, still chained to the pole. He shouted loudly from a shooting pain in his body.

He tried to lift up his shirt to see his parabatia rune. He could feel Jace was trying to track him through their bond.

His whole body was now in pain and he was trying to slow down his breathing. Alec threw his head back and hit it on the pole behind him. He didn't realise because it was drained out by the pain from his rune.

Alec got quick images flashing behind his eyes of him and Jace. He saw images of when they were younger, images of when they became parabatia.

Alec shouted out again in pain.

—back at the institute—
"I know where he is!" Jace shouted. He got up from the bed and grabbed his shirt from beside him. He threw it on over his head and looked at Izzy and Magnus asking them to follow him.
"He's on Valentines boat." Jace told them.
"Well we have to find him quickly before Valentine does anything to him." Magnus said.

They all got ready and once again Magnus portalled them to the water.
"How are we going to find him?" Izzy asked.

"I will contact Valentine and ask him to trade me for Alec." Jace said.

"No Jace you can't do that, you would be killing yourself." Izzy told him.

"Valentine wants me, he's using Alec to get to me. He won't hurt me because I'm his weapon. Trust me Izzy."

Jace took a ring from his pocket and used it to contact Valentine.

"I see you've finally come to your senses my son." Valentine said.

"Take me and give us back Alec." Jace told Valentine.

"That was easy wasn't it?" Valentine laughed.

Jace didn't look impressed.
"Just return him to where you took him and I'll go with you."

"Deal." Valentine said and then disappeared.

"Are you sure about this Jace?" Izzy asked.

"I have to do this Izzy and don't worry I'll be careful." He said.

They didn't have to wait for too long until a portal was created in front of them. Valentine came through first and then behind him was Alec being held by a blonde man.

"Alec!" Izzy said with tears in her eyes. Her brother was covered in blood and looked weak. He was being held up by the blonde man and if that wasn't the case, he would have fallen to the ground.

Jace walked towards Valentine, he showed his hands to tell him he had no weapons. Valentine grabbed Jace by the wrist and pulled his so he stood beside him.

The blonde man threw Alec to the ground. He hit his head hard on the floor and didn't get up.

Magnus ran towards Alec. He checked his pulse and then tried to pull Alec up off of the ground.

"Stay with me." Magnus whispered.

Izzy ran over to her brother and lifted his wrist up. She activated his iratze with her stele to see if that would wake him up.

Magnus gently lifted Alec's head from the ground and began to lift him up.

Magnus was now holding on to Alec as tightly as he could.

"Please wake up Alexander." Magnus whispered, pulling a strand of hair out of Alec's face.

Alec was too weak to he portalled back to the institute so they had to wait for Alec to wake up.

Jace had already gone through the Portal with Valentine and now they had to wait for Alec to gain consciousness.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 [𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now