𝐄𝐝𝐨𝐦 [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑]

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Alec was at Magnus's apartment. He was there so that he could say goodbye to Magnus when he leaves to go to Edom and see his father.

Magnus was creating the pentagram so he could travel to Edom.

"Are you sure this will work?" Alec asked.

"I'm sure."

Alec was looking at Magnus nervously as he created the pentagram.

Once Magnus was finished, he got up off of the ground. Alec looked at him with a tear in his eye.

"I don't want you to go." Said Alec.

"Don't worry Alexander." Magnus stroked a hand along Alec's arm, reassuring him.

Magnus created the fire with him magic. The pentagram was now lit up with glowing red and yellow fire.

"You're gonna make it back." Alec said over the noise of the crackling fire.

"Why wouldn't I, look what I have waiting for me." Magnus replied and then planted a kiss on Alec's lips.

Alec pulled away so that he could look Magnus in his eyes, taking in his looks before he left.

Magnus stepped into the pentagram in pain. He tried not to shout because he didn't want Alec to worry about it.
"I love you Magnus." Alec said.
"I love you too Alexander." Magnus replied and then disappeared into the pentagram.

Alec watched as his boyfriend disappeared. He fell to the ground once he was gone and let a tear fall down his cheek.

Alec had just lost Magnus after what his father had done to him and all he wanted right now was for his boyfriend to come back.

He sat on the ground for a while, he was processing what had just happened. He thought about Magnus and when he would come back.

He finally got up off of the ground.
"I am the head of the New York Institute!" He said authoritatively. He couldn't just sit on the ground waiting for his boyfriend to come back.

Alec walked to the institute, Magnus had said to him once that it was good to go on a walk if you were ever stressed. It was one of the best ways to clear your head, so that's what he did. Alec walked all the way to the institute, it was raining. The rain drops hit his face and fell into his eyelashes.

He carried on walking as the rain got heavier, Alec enjoyed the rain so it wasn't much of a problem.

When he arrived at the institute his clothes were heavy from the rain, as was his hair.

"Alec? What happened to you?" Asked Jace.
"It's a long story." Alec replied, dripping water all over the floor.
"Then shorten it."
"You are so stubborn." Said Alec.
"That's what makes me so amazing." Jace laughed.

"Magnus has gone to Edom." Was where Alec begun, he was questioning whether he should have said that first or started with something more casual like 'Magnus found a way to stop the greater demon.' But it was too late now, so he just waited for Jace's reaction.
"What?" Jace said.

"He created a pentagram and told me his father, who is the prince of hell can help him defeat the greater demon."
"Wait hold on a second. Magnus's dad is Asmodeus?" Jace's voice wasn't exactly calm.

"Yes, but the thing is, is that Magnus said that Asmodeus can help us (help Magnus) take down Lilith." Exclaimed Alec.
"Ok well you should maybe take a warm shower and dry off before we have this conversation with Izzy." Said Jace, patting Alec on the shoulder, which he later regretted after pulling his wet hand away from Alec's arm.

Alec walked through the institute, he feet slipping slightly on the floor as he walked.

He made it to his room and walked into his bathroom. He turned on his shower and stepped in, the warm water running against his cold skin.

He tried to clear his head, but the only thing he could think about was Magnus and he worried if Magnus was in danger.

He took some soap from the ledge in the shower. He lathered it up in his hands and began to rub it against his body.

He could imagine Magnus standing with him, rubbing his hands along Alec's back, reassuring him and telling him that everything was going to be ok.

He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, suddenly exposed to the cold air.

He shivered for a second and then grabbed his towel.

When Alec had got dressed, he went to go and meet Jace and Izzy to talk to them about what had happened to Magnus.

Alec filled Izzy in on all the details.
"What if Magnus doesn't come back from Edom, you said his father would help him, but what if his father just, I don't know, decides not to. He is the prince of hell after all, I think he does what he wants." Jace said.

Izzy smacked Jace on the arm.
"Jace!" She said.

"What! I'm just saying what we all think." Jace replied.

Alec looked over at Jace. He was right, Jace had said what he was thinking. What if Magnus didn't make it back from Edom?

"If Magnus doesn't make it back from Edom, then I will save him." Alec said.

"Alec you can't go to Edom, only people with demon blood can go to hell. If you go you would die instantly." Izzy told him.

"I know Iz, but Magnus he is my world and i can't live without him. If Magnus is in danger, I will become a vampire and go and rescue him." Said Alec. He didn't hesitate for one second on thinking about becoming a vampire.

"Alec you can't become a vampire." Jace told him.

"Why not, would you not do the same to save Clary?" Asked Alec.

Jace had to think about the question for a moment.
Maybe Alec was right.

"It's too dangerous." Said Izzy.
"And I will risk being in danger for Magnus." Replied Alec.

Jace and Izzy finally gave up, Alec seemed to come up with an answer for everything, so they didn't question it anymore.

"Well Simon's a vampire." Alec finally said, "and you seem to have an interest in him, so Izzy if I ever became a vampire, will you promise to love me?"

Izzy looked over at her brother.
"Alec I will love you for whoever you are." Izzy said, "I just don't want you to do anything that you would end up regretting."

"Izzy I love him and I would risk my life for him, If for a second I had the chance to save him, I would take it, if that means becoming a vampire then I would have to do it." Alec said.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 [𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now