𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐]

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Alec came straight to work after Izzy had called him.

He was annoyed that he had to leave Magnus, but there was a greater demon on the loose so Alec had to come straight to the institute.

Alec was once again the head of the New York institute. Lydia had gone back to Idris because she said that she didn't belong in New York. The Clave was also annoyed at her because she believed Robert and let him off easily.

"So what's the problem with the greater demon?" Alec asked.

"Well firstly a rift was created in the middle of New York. The greater demon is creating multiple rifts around the city so that demons can come and stay in our realm." Answered Izzy. She was showing Alec where she had located one of the rifts.

"We need a warlock to seal a rift this severe, I'll call Magnus." Said Alec and then left to make the phone call.

Once he was off the phone, Magnus had arrived shortly after by coming through the portal.

"Hey Magnus." Said Izzy.
Magnus walked over to them to see what leads they had and to see where Izzy had located the portal.

"What have you got?" Asked Magnus.
Izzy filled him in on the information they had on the greater demon.

Magnus had portalled them to the beach where the rift was open.

Magnus looked around the rift to see what he could find.

"Is that blood?" Alec asked.

"Yes I think it is." Magnus replied.

"Whose blood is it?" Asked Izzy.

"I think the person who opened the rift wasn't a greater demon." Magnus inspected the blood around the rift.

"A pentagram was drawn with blood, but I don't know whose blood it it." He said.

"Are you going to be ok?" Asked Alec.
"I'm the high warlock of Brooklyn."

While they were looking around the rift suddenly they saw some kind on a demon flying out.

They all quickly ran back away from the big hole in the ground and took some kind of shelter.

Once the demon had flown out, Alec took his bow from his shoulder and shot and arrow at the demon.

Magnus began to use his magic to close the rift. Blue sparks shot across the ground. Magnus used all his power to close the rift.

Once it was closed Magnus fell to the ground. Alec noticed at quickly ran over to aid Magnus.

"Are you ok?" He asked lifting Magnus off of the ground.

"Yeah I'm fine, but this demonic energy is stronger than anything I've ever seen before." He replied.

"What can we do?" Exclaimed Izzy.

"We need to firstly go back to the institute and find out who the greater demon is and what created the rift, then we have to track them down and try to kill them because if they created a rift like this, they will make loads across the city and then everything will be destroyed."

They went back to the institute, Magnus had enough power left to portal them back.

Once they were back, Alec informed everyone of what was going on and what they all needed to do. He sent a few shadowhunters, including Jace, to go and locate some of the rifts and try to keep the demons under control.

Not all the rifts were as severe as the one Magnus sealed, so Alec said it wasn't too dangerous for the shadowhunters to go and hunt down the demons.

Izzy, Alec and Magnus all tried to identify who the demon was.

"I've found something!" Izzy said.
Magnus and Alec walked over to her to see what she had found.

"Her name is Lilith." Izzy said.
"Oh no." Said Magnus looking down at what Izzy was showing them.

"What is it Magnus?" Alec asked.
"Lilith is one of the most powerful greater demons. She is the mother of all demons. Lilith is the queen of hell." Magnus told them.

"What can we do to stop her?" Asked Izzy.

"Well I know someone who can help me locate her." Magnus said.

"Who is powerful enough to take down the queen of hell?" Asked Alec.

Magnus looked over to him. He didn't want to say who it was he knew.

"I know the prince of hell and he can help us." Magnus finally said.

"How do you know the prince of hell?" Asked Alec confused.

Once again Magnus had to think about the question. He didn't really want to tell Alec his relationship with the prince of hell because he was afraid he would think less of him or be put in danger.

Izzy walked away and left Magnus and Alec along.

"Alec the prince of hell is my father." Magnus said after a while.

Alec looked at Magnus in shock.
"I'm sorry I never told you Alexander, I was ashamed and I didn't want you to hate me." Magnus said looking to the ground.

Alec lifted his hand from his side and put it under Magnus's chin. Alec lifted up Magnus's chin and looked him in the eyes.

"Magnus I would never hate you." He said.

Magnus smiled at Alec as he spoke up him. He lifted his hand and placed it on Alec's, gently caressing his skin.

"Well now you know who my father is, I need to go to Edom and ask for his help." Magnus told him.

"No. Magnus there has to be another way, it too dangerous, what if you never come back?" Asked Alec. He was staring to panic because he had just lost Magnus and didn't want to lose him forever.

"Look Alexander it's either I stay here and never ask for my fathers help and watch as the world is destroyed, or I go to Edom, ask for my fathers help and hope he will listen to me." Magnus told him.

Alec didn't know what to say because he didn't want Magnus to leave.

"But what if he doesn't listen to you?"
"He will Alexander, trust me when I say that he owes me."

Alec took his hand away from Magnus's chin and looked at him. He leaned towards him and wrapped his arms tightly around Magnus. This time he didn't care if people in the institute were watching them, the only thing he was thinking about was Magnus going to Edom.
"I'm going to miss you." Alec whispered into Magnus's ear.

"Don't worry Alexander, I won't be gone for long."

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 [𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now