Break In

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Assassins... Not again.

"Princess! You must run!" I bursted into a silver haired lady's room.

She shot up from her bed half away and mumbled something incoherently. "What's wrong Lesley?" She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"There's been another break in Sil." I replied walking over to her closet and grabbing a coat. "Come on I need to get you to safety."

She crossed her arms "No Les I'm fighting. I'm sick of this. Every time some group of assassins break in I'm always hiding." She grabbed the coat I was holding and grabbed her lance that was lying underneath we her bed.

I narrowed my eyes "Sil..."

"No Lesley. I want to help protect my father and mother. I don't want to sit idly by and watch as the castle gets turned upside down." She slipped on her coat and walked by me.

I grabbed her wrists holding her back "Sil please."

"Lesley if you're afraid of being punished by father then don't worry I'll make sure you don't get punished." She said not turning to face me.

I sigh and let go of her wrists, she wasn't going to change her mind. Headstrong as always.

I turned and faced the window "When are you coming back?" I mumbled emote following after the princess.


"Sil duck!" I shouted as I pulled the trigger. She did as told and the bullet pierced into the assassin's head killing him instantly.

"Thanks!" She shouted as she ran off to fight another.

I followed behind her shooting any assassins that tried to get close to her. I was running out of bullets so I made sure not to miss any. I sensed someone behind me and just as I turned around I was kicked in the abdomen. I fell down to the floor as my rifle slipped out of my hands. The person in all black lunges toward me but I had my grenade ready and threw them back. The grenade in return knocked me back too.

Luck however was not on my side as it knocked my closer toward a wall and farther away from my rifle. My rifle was now behind the assailant.

"You idiot why didn't you stab her?!" A second person in black appeared behind the first. He grabbed my rifle and held it.

"Well I didn't know she had such sharp senses! So instead of being blown in the face of course I'd kick her!"

While the two were bickering I took the chance to scout out a possible escape route. The princess had already disappeared so I couldn't rely on her. I identified the gender of the two assassins by their voices. The male was the one carrying my rifle so I knew I wouldn't be able to wrestle it out of his hands and the female was the one in front of me. I had to try to get my rifle somehow or at least get a weapon.

I spotted a dagger from the dead assassin I had shot earlier. I turned on my camouflage and tried to sneak over to grab it.

Keyword 'try'

The male noticed and used my rifle and shot at me. He missed narrowly missing my face.

"Elissa kill her!" He shouted

I dashed toward the dagger but I wasn't fast enough as my camouflage had already worn off. Something hit my right leg, I screamed and fell just a foot short from the dagger.

I turned and saw the a dagger just above my head ready to end my life. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the inevitable.

I felt blood splatter on my face and a familiar voice followed "Did I miss a party of something?"

I opened my eyes and was met with ice cold blue ones. He stood above me and was grinning while twirling a blade in his hands.

"Gusion!" I shouted surprised "When did you come back?"

He shrugged and bent down "Just now. I was planning to come by in the morning but I saw a smoke signal coming from somewhere in the castle." He said while pulling the dagger that was lodged on my right leg out.

I groaned as he took off his scarf and tied it around my leg to prevent the bleeding.

"Where's the royal family?" He asked lifting me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck afraid to fall.

"They're safe at least the King and Queen are."

He raised a brow "The Princess?"

I sighed "I tried to get her to hide too but she was stubborn and insisted on fighting too."

He chuckled and pecked me on the lips "We have a stubborn future Queen. Lets go find her."


"Sisterrrrrrrrr!" Harley barreled into me as I fell back into the bed. I winced as it hurt my right leg.

Gusion stepped forward and pulled Harley off of me "Hey you little squirt take it easy your sister is injured."

Harley scowled at Gusion But soften his features when he turned to me "I'm sorry sis."

He wasn't wearing his magician hat like usual so I took the chance to mess with his hair as I giggled at his adorable pouty face.

"Not the hair sis!"

"Harley I'm fine so stop worrying."

Just then someone burst through the door almost knocking it off the hinges "Harley!" Kimmy shouted

Harley gulped and hugged me "Gotta go sis byeeeee." He said disappearing before I could question him leaving his hat.

That explained why he wasn't wearing it. I stared at his hat in shock before snapping my head up to face Kimmy.

She had paint all over her and what was worse was that it was in different colors. "He did that huh?"

She sighed and nodded. I got up and grabbed his hat preparing to head out the door. But I felt a hand grab my wrists and pull me back and wrap their arms around me.

"Gusion let go I need to catch the little rascal." I said trying to push out of his embrace.

He shook his head "Nope you're staying here." He pushed me back onto the bed and gave me a quick peck on the lips before grabbing Harley's hat and making his way to the door. He turned and gave me a wink before disappearing.

A/N:Thank you all for 1k reads! 😭 I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to read my cringe inducing stories 😂

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