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"Stella stop!" I pulled at my hair as the woman with long braided white hair wearing a white suit of armor went through another portal giggling freely without a care in the world. "How did she get this drunk?" I screamed in frustration.

Hanabi appeared beside me "I'm sorry Emperor" she hesitates "I accidentally gave her alcohol instead of juice..."

I rubbed my temples feeling a headache "We'll talk about this later Nephilia, right now we have a problem child to catch." I growled as I followed after the very drunk Stellaris Ghost. I stepped through the portal and was instantly met with a forest. "Great how am I going to—" I was cut off as I heard a familiar voice.

"Oooo you're the Emperor of this universe huh?"

I narrowed my eyes "Bingo found her" I started making my way over to the sound of voices. Soon enough I saw the silver haired lady talking excitedly to a very uncomfortable brunette version of me. "Stella!" I yelled hoping to catch her attention.

She turned her head and her eyes lit up as she saw me "Emperor! Look I found the you in this universe." She said between hiccups and giggles.

I sighed and rubbed my temples again "Stella we're going back." I firmly said

She pouted and crossed her arms "No way I wanna have more fun!"

A vein appeared on my forehead "You've went through 386 universes in the span of 30 minutes while I'm here trying to catch you!" I was starting to lose patience as I raised my voice. She flinched and was quiet, I relaxed my face "Hey... I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice, I'm just..." I scratched my head "Stressed." I blurted out as I walked closer and took her hand.

She shook her head "But Emperor it's boringgggggg and... I don't like it back there" the last part came out as a whisper. She had a point though back at the lab we were going through experiment after experiment to be tools for war and it was starting to take a toll on her.

"I know Stella but you can't just jump into different universe like that." I replied

She pouted again and made puppy eyes at me "Just one more universe? Pleaseeee?" I knew where this was going so I readied the tail that was connected to my suit. It had something that could put someone to sleep if injected. She leaned in to kiss me and I gladly accepted it. We stayed like that for a while before the brunette version of me interrupted.

"Get a room you two." The brunette said with a light blush on his cheeks and turned away. Breaking away from the kiss Stellaris tried to create another portal. I swiftly used my tail to inject the drug into her neck.

Her eyes widened "No... fair... Emperor..." She mumbled as she fell unconscious. Before she can fall I caught her and carried her bridal style.

I chuckled "You should know I don't play fair my sweet Stellaris. Who knew you were so childish when you're drunk" I murmured. I then turned my head to the brunette "I apologize for whatever she's done." I said as I turned to leave

"Wait." He called out

"Yes?" I turned my head slightly

"Are you me? And is she your... girlfriend?"

I let a small smirk spread on my face "I am you. And as for her." I paused not knowing what to say "Well I guess you'll have to find that out for yourself."


I woke up my head pounding "Ugh what the why does my head hurt so much?" I muttered as I sat up. I flinched as someone was staring at me

"You're finally up Stella." The man in a black suit with silver white hair was staring at her.

"Emperor?" I whispered "What are you doing here?" My heart started beating rapidly. I had deep feelings for the man besides me, he always made me flustered whenever I was around him.

"Do you remember what happened while you were drunk?" He slowly leaned forward with his face leaning on his hand.

"God what the hell. How can you make someone look so... so handsome?!" I was internally screaming. "Wait did you say drunk?" His words suddenly sunk in "I was drunk?!" I screamed

He winced and recoiled "Yeah you were."

My face flushed and I buried my face into the blankets in embarrassment. "Oh my god... What did I do while I was drunk?" I whispered

He chuckled at my reaction "You sure you want to know?"

"On second thought maybe not." I quickly answered and shot my head up.

Too late he started talking about how I jumped through 386 universes and was laughing my head off at every single thing. I apparently even met a version of me or him or together in every universe I had hopped to.The embarrassing part was that I had confessed my actual feelings for him somewhere along the line and even kissed him a few times to yeet myself into another universe. I was finally stopped when he had to use the drug in his tail to subdue me.

I was speechless and in total embarrassment after he finished telling me what had happened. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it trying to make the embarrassment disappear.

"Stella." He caressed my hair "Look at me." When I didn't look up his hand reached for my chin to force me to look at him. His dark purple eyes danced with amusement and something else, something that put me at ease. "I still haven't given you an answer to your confession yet."

My heart sank "After that he's definitely going to say he doesn't like me in that way..." I turned away not wanting to see how his face would look like as he rejects me.

But he pulls my face back towards him "Don't look away love. I love you too." He murmurs giving me a kiss on the cheek

Shocked I looked at him "Y-you... l-l-love me?" I was so sure that he was going to reject me.

"Yes Stella. I love you." He smirked and added "Why don't you say you "I wuvvvv youuuu Emperorrrr." to me again?"

At this my face reddens and I smack his arm "You sneaky little..." I huffed

He lets out a chuckle and leans in close to my ear "I'm not kidding though say you love me again. I want to hear it from you while you're sober."

My face turned another shade of red as I struggled to talk "I-I l-love y-you E-Emperor" Every world came out as a stutter.

As soon as those words left my mouth his lips slammed into mine. We lost track of time that night.

A/N: No they did not

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