Savage 💋

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"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I cursed under my breathe while recalling to the base. My teammates had been wiped out and the enemies were quickly making their way to our base with an enhanced lord. I threw out 5 daggers hitting the minion wave in front of me. It wasn't enough to kill them and it'll take a while to clear it.

I was shoved aside as a grenade was tossed knocking the invisible Natalia in the air revealing her. Natalia didn't hesitate to turn her ult on and retreat.

"Don't let your guard down now babe." A familiar sweet voice sang out to me. I grinned, Lesley had just respawned and now was helping me clear the wave.

"I'll take care of the lord and defend you go take out their damage dealers." She said as she shot the last minion.

I smirked "How about giving me a good luck kiss?" I leaned closer toward her face.

Her face flushed and she pushed my face away "Focus on the battle!"

I turned away a bit disappointed that I didn't receive a kiss. But I resigned to that thought too quickly because before I knew it a small peck was planted on my face.

I turned back shocked, her cheeks had a slight hue of red and she ran out past me before I could react. I smirked "This one's for you." I whispered in her ear as I dashed past her.
"Savage!" The announcer announces

A few minutes later Victory was declared for my team.

"Woooo great job everyone!" Vale cheered

"Especially you two lovebirds." Ruby grinned as she wriggled her eyebrows at me and Lesley.

The sniper turned a deep shade of red at the scythe wielder's comment "I know right! I didn't expect her to initiate something!" Esmeralda chimed in.

"Dude you got a savage right after that too!"  Vale punched my shoulders teasingly. I turned my head away my face burning with embarrassment.

As I turned away I caught her gaze, she was getting more uncomfortable by the second. I dashed toward her and swept her off her feet. I heard gasps from both her and our group, I ran away with her still clutching on to me for dear life.

As their squeals got more distant Lesley spoke up "You can put me down now. I have legs you know?"

I chuckled "I just want to carry you what's wrong with that?" I had a place in mind that I wanted to show her.

"Y-You!" She stuttered as her face flushed once more.

I didn't stop running until we reached a lake surrounded by the wild life. It was truly a sight to behold. I had found this place a while back but never had gotten the chance to show anyone.

She gasped "Oh my Gusion..." her voice trailed off as she took in the scenery.

I gently set her down but she kept clutching my shoulders still enchanted my the sight. "Like it? You're the first one I've shown it to."

She turned to face me and smiled "Yes! Come on let's get closer!" She giggled as she moved her arms from my shoulder to grab my wrist and drag me toward the lake.

She did the unthinkable. She pushed me into the lake as soon as we got close. I felt the cold water hit my skin and I immediately got up "Hey what was that for?" I sputtered coughing and blinking the water out.

She giggled "Not so hot now are..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at me. I watched as her cheeks started to become more red.

I smirked "What were you saying now?"

"What the heck why does he look more handsome like that?" I heard her whisper.

"I heard that." I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the lake with me.

"Huh wait—" she shouted and was cut off when she landed in the water.

She rose up from the water sputtering and coughing just like I had done earlier. "You petty jerk!" She screamed pouting while looking at me.

I laughed "Revenge." I said as I winked at her. She hit my arm lightly at my comment. I couldn't stop laughing though. Her face was getting redder and redder.

"Stop laughing!" She hit me again in an attempt to make me stop.

"Alright alright." I said as I stopped myself from laughing. I got up and walked towards her sweeping her off her feet and getting out of the lake. "You know if you wanted to take a swim you should've just said so." I said while sitting down on the grass.

She pouted a little "You were the only one who was suppose to go for a swim."

I chuckled "You didn't think that I would let you get away with that for free now did you?" She blushed and turned away.

We stayed like that for a few minutes just enjoying the scenery and each other's company. She was the one to break the silence. "So that savage earlier." Turning to face me with a smirk plastered on her face. "I wonder. Where did you get the energy to take them all out 1v5?"

"Is she trying to tease me?" I smirked "Of course I got that energy from my lovely, beautiful, gorgeous, sweet, adorable girlfriend!" I grabbed her chin pulling her closer "Now would you give me another kiss to congratulate me?"

She turned beet red once again "The announcers' right you really are a savage." She whispered as I claimed her lips.

A/N: Eyyyy yo they're gonna catch a cold lol

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