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"And here we see a Gusion in his natural habitat." A girl with with an eyepatch walked by me. Why does she even wear that? Is she a pirate or a student?

"Miss pirate are going to hunt for treasure? In the library?" I said looking up from the manga I was reading with equally as much sarcasm.

She pointedly ignored me and flipped her longggggggg magenta hair over her shoulder. Another weird quirk of hers. What is she Rapunzel? I snickered at the thought of her having to be saved by a prince. She probably wouldn't even be able to keep a man with that attitude.

I was so occupied with my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that someone was calling my name. A hand slammed in front of me snapping me out of my reverie.

"Gusion!" A rough voice called out.

"Huh whuzat?" I said startled

Zilong stood in front of me with his arms crossed and annoyance graced his features. "I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes. What are you thinking about?"

"Our friendly neighborhood sarcastic president." I replied

His gave me a weird look "The president? You mean the school council president or class president?"

"Isn't she both?" I said turning back to my manga and flipping through a few more pages.

"Oh yeahhhhhh. I forgot about that." He said his features schooling while I roll my eyes Zilong can be as dumb as a brick sometimes.

"Well anyway dude you want to hangout?"

"With you and Freya? No thanks I'll be third wheeling." I said with a bored tone.

"No with me, Alucard, and Granger. Maybe Hayabusa but you know that guy always just disappears and appears whenever he wants to." He replied slapping me on the shoulder.

I shrugged his hand off "Sure I guess."

"Great see you at 4PM!"


"When you said hangout with Alucard, Granger, Hayabusa, and you I didn't think you meant you were going to invite the pirate!" I said annoyance lacing my voice.

I was aware that she could hear it but I didn't care. I was just annoyed that the sarcastic Rapunzel pirate joined us. I mean just Freya would be fine but her?! Now that was just no.

"Sorry bro Freya needs another girl to make it less awkward." Zilong gave me a awkward smile and shrugged.

I groaned and turned around. I was going to leave until some pulled me back. "You're already here so let's go!" Alucard said while putting me in a chokehold and dragging me back to the group.

"Let me go!" I shouted and tried to pry his arms off me.

"Tsk Tsk Gusion you need to workout more."

The rest of the group laughed as I turned a light shade of red. Whether it was from the chokehold or from embarrassment I didn't know.

We went around the mall exploring the shops and talking and joking. Well at least the rest of the group was. Lesley made sarcastic remarks whenever I spoke and we ended up bickering. Everyone else found it hilarious and didn't try to stop us, they enjoyed watching us bicker.

"Man you guys should try dating." Alucard chimed in after one of our arguments ended.

We both made a face and glared at each other.

Granger nodded "You two are in sync."

"No we're not!" We shouted at the same time."

"Stop copying me!" Again we were in sync

The rest of the group was dying of laughter while we both were red and fuming.


"And how many children do you think they'll have?" Freya laughed

"They'll probably be inseparable!" Zoning chimed in

"My guess is that they'll be annoying each other till the day they die." Hayabusa who had just joined the group added.

I glared at my group of friends "Why are they so annoying?"

"We can both agree on that Paxley."

My eyes widen "Did you just agree with me?"

She nodded and rubbed her temples "I most definitely never ever want to get together with you."

"Oh I totally want to go out with a pirate Rapunzel!" I exclaimed sarcastically

"A what?" She turned her face to me and gave me a funny look

"You got long hair and wear an eyepatch. Very quirky." I pointed out

"This is why I'll never date you." She mumbled.

That was what they had said 2 months ago.

"So tell me why are we dating again?" I asked the magenta haired girl that was snuggled into my chest.

She shrugged "You swept me off my feet and became a charming person." Sarcasm still lacing her beautiful voice.

I frowned "You're still as sarcastic as ever."

She looked up and grinned "Hey you'll get wrinkles if you frown like that Prince Charming."

"And just as annoying Princess Rapunzel." I chuckled

I guess Hayabusa was right we were going to be annoying each other till the day we die.

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