Rain || Bonus

368 13 2

I woke up and stretched my arms and patted the side of my bed expecting someone to be there. My hand fell onto the empty mattress.

He wasn't there. I looked around me no sign of another pair of slippers or his jacket.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Not again. I dreamt of him again. "But it was so real I could feel him." I started sobbing even louder. It was a cruel dream after all.

"Why?" I shouted "Why did I have to dream a dream like that?" I screamed and threw my pillows at the wall in a fit of sorrow and anger.

The door quickly swung open and in came a worried and shocked Gusion.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He said rushing toward me and embracing me.

I sat there wide-eyed. His hold assured me it wasn't a dream. "You aren't fake right? You're not in my head right?" I asked still not believing that I was holding the real Gusion in my arms.

"No I'm here Lesley. I'm here." He reassured while rubbing circles behind my back.

I held onto him for dear life crying like I was never going to see him again.

"Shhh don't cry." He said pulling away to look at my face wiping the tears away.

After I stopped crying he took my hand in his and lightly tugged at me.

"Come on I made breakfast let's eat."

I smiled back at him "Yea let's"

A/N: I was gonna add this one to the original one but decided against it but then I liked the scene soooo ;v;

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