The Play Must... Go On?

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"Gusion! I'm so nervous!" A ginger haired girl exclaimed as she bit her lip and fiddled with the hem of her skirt.

Gusion laughed as he patted her on the head. "You'll do fine Guin you've been practicing this for weeks! You'll do great!"

"Easy for you to say! I'm playing a crazed lover that kills her beloved for God—" She was cut off by someone clearing their throat.

"Excuse me can you please move?" A magenta haired girl said coldly to the two. She was carrying two boxes full of props while standing behind the two that was blocking her path.

"Oh sure no problem." Gusion responded moving out of the way to let the pinkette pass.

Guinevere copied what Gusion did but with annoyance. Lesley nodded her head as a thanks before getting on her way.

"What's her problem?" Guinevere complained after she was out of earshot.

"Well we were blocking her way." Gusion said not taking his eyes off the pinkette that was now putting down the props on the table in the corner of the room.

The ginger head narrowed her eyes at the brunette. She grit her teeth as she remembered that Gusion had told her that Lesley was his secret little crush.

They'd been childhood friends and their families got along. So why? Why did he fall for her?

"But she didn't have to be so rude about it." Guinevere mumbled


"Stage crew get in place, make sure everything is in place, and get ready to draw the curtains." Ms.Kadita shouted as she did some last minute check ups on the actor's costumes.

Guinevere sat in a corner going over her lines over and over in her head. Her nerves were getting to her and repeating her lines in her head was sort of a cooping mechanism for her. Someone brushed past her interrupting her train of thought.

They quickly set down what she assumed was her prop. It was a prop knife that looked quite realistic.

Huh they really went all out for this play. Guinevere thought. She looked up to see who had placed the prop down but they were gone. However not before catching a glimpse of magenta hair slip onto the stage.


"My love... How could you? Why would you ever leave me for..." Guinevere paused and gave a little laugh that sounded deranged "That tramp?"

A gagged Valir that was tied down gave a muffled cry as he pretended to be afraid of the lady that was standing in front of him.

"Did you really think I wouldn't retaliate?" She giggled raising her hand to her face and clawing at it while making her face look more and more insane.

Meanwhile backstage Karrie ran up to Kadita frantically "Ms.Kadita! Did you order another prop knife? Or did Guinevere not take the knife?"

Kadita shook her head confused "No we were only able to order one prop knife because we were running tight on budget and I remember seeing her take the knife on the way out. Why?"

"Then what is Guin holding if the prop knife is here?" Karrie asked holding up the obviously fake knife.

Kadita looked just as confused as Karrie did. She took the prop knife and examined it. She turned her head back to the stage where Guinevere was preparing to stab Valir.

Then she saw it.

A gleam that shouldn't have been there if it were a prop knife.

"What...?" She was about to call the stage crew to draw the curtains early but Guinevere had already swung the knife.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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