Blind Date Alternative Scenario

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"I've set you up on a blind date gurlllll!" Layla screamed as she dashed toward me tackling me to the floor.

"You what?!" I groaned as I pushed the blonde off me and sat up rubbing my back.

"Blind date!" She repeated happily

I sighed and rubbed my temples "Layla you know I'm too busy for that."

"Boooo you're no fun! This is exactly why I set up a blind date for you." She pouted

"Layla you know—"

Before I could continue she cut me off "No you're not going to turn this one down! I already told him you were going!"

"Layla!" I shouted in bewilderment "You what?!"

"You heard what I said."

I stood there mouth agape.

I finally spoke as the shock subsided "Layla cancel it. I do not want to go on a date. Much less a date with a guy I don't know."

"Come on Lesley! Please? I promise you I'll do all the chores for a month if you do." Layla pleaded while giving me a puppy eyed look

Really now?

"All the chores?" I asked tempted

She nodded with enthusiasm "Yes all of them."

"Don't go back on your word dear Layla." I said smirking as I crossed my arms.

This was going to be a long month for Layla.


"Ok you've got this Les." I mumbled to myself "Just smile and nod at what the guy says. Give him vague answers and it'll be an easy month for me."

I groaned. Who am I kidding? I've never done this! Nor had I ever been on a date. Ever. It was mostly due to Harley being an overprotective brother and my lack of interest.

I took a deep breath and braced myself as I entered the cafe. I scanned the area for someone who might be looking for a date but nope no one. Guess my date was running late.

Might as well order something while I'm here.


I tapped my finger on the table annoyed. My date had not shown up yet and it'd been 30 minutes.

I sighed and started to text Layla. This guy was wasting my time. I reached over to my coffee cup to take another sip but it was empty.

"So much for being nervous..." I mumbled sighing.

I stood up to throw out the cup just as Layla texted me. I hadn't noticed that someone was already coming towards me before it was too late. I lost my footing and was about to fall to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the inevitable to happen.

I heard thuds as my things and the other person's things fell to the floor.

"Woah there." I heard a deep voice say as an arm reached out to stop my fall.

I opened my eyes and met a pair of bright blue ones. They very enchanting I noted.

I must've stared for too long because the man chuckled "Getting lost in my eyes already I see."

I felt my skin flushed red as I pushed myself away from the stranger "S-Sorry..."

I bent down to collect my things and the brunette did the same. Just then my phone lit up and it was a call.

A call from my so called date.

I grabbed my phone and debated whether or not to pick up. After the third ring I decided to pick up. Might as well give this guy a piece of my mind.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hi! Uh Lesley right? Something came up and I need to go take care of it."

"And you didn't think to tell me that 30 minutes ago?!" I said my voice slightly rising, my anger starting to flare.

"Sorry! I forgot!" He exclaimed obviously panicking at my reaction "We can reschedule the date?"

"No. Forget it I don't even want to give you another chance. Goodbye." I hung up before he could even reply and blocked his number.

"Flaker?" A voice came from behind me making me jump.

I turned around and it was the same brunette. He had an expression that had 'Are you alright?' all over his face.

I sigh and nodded

"Too bad the guy missed out beautiful." He said winking at me.

"Hah... I'm never going on a blind date again." I muttered under my breath.

The brunette however heard me "How about one with me?"

I stared at him dumbfounded "What?"

"You seem like an interesting person." He said giving me a warm smile.

"I don't even know you." I reply

He put his hand to his chin "Let's just say it's a blind date then."

I chuckle "My name's Lesley what's yours?"

"Gusion." He said his smile growing larger.

"Well then Gusion. Nice to meet you."

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