Red String Of Fate

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"Sis I don't like this..." Harley said tugging nervously on the invisible string only he could see.

"Sorry little bro I can't help you with that." I said shrugging and patting his head.

He made a face at me and tried to swat my hand away from his hair.

I chuckled and took my hand away. Harley has just met his soulmate. A pink haired cat elf girl had bumped into him making the magician turn all shades of red. It was a hilarious sight. The cat elf didn't take notice of the red string that was forming around her pinky as she left. Probably too embarrassed to even notice.

I sigh and thought to myself. Why hadn't I met my soulmate yet? I'm older than Harley yet I still hadn't met my soulmate. I honestly was jealous but what can I do?


"Sis! We have no food!" Harley shouted from downstairs

"What? Didn't we just go grocery shopping on Saturday?" I shouted back while still typing on my laptop.

"That was last Saturday sis!"

I glanced at the date at the corner of my laptop. He was right. I sigh as I reluctantly closed my laptop and got my coat. I grabbed my keys that was lying on a hook and made my way downstairs.

"Lets go Harley."

"Actually sis can you drop me off at Nana's place? I wanna see her." He looked down at his feet and shuffled them.

I giggled. It was fun seeing my brother this way, he was oddly cute like this.

"Alright alright. I'll drop you off. I'll pick you up on the way back. Sounds good?" I said while ruffling his hair.

He looked up and nodded vigorously his eyes lighting up "Yes! Thank you sis!"


I pushed my cart through the isle trying to find the right cereal. I finally spot it but it was the last one. I stretched out my hand reaching for it but someone beat me to it.

I looked up to see who the cereal thief was and was met by silvery blue eyes that pierced into mine. The man was several inches taller than me and had brunette hair.

I felt something sting my pinky and my eyes widened as I saw a red string slowly starting to form.

"What the...? You're my soulmate?" The brunette said out loud

"Mr.CerealThief is my soulmate?" I mumbled staring at the string and tugging it lightly.

He let out laugh "Hey it's first come first serve."

I blushed "Wait I said that out loud?"

"Yes. Yes you did. So anyway what's your name?"

"Lesley. And I'm assuming your name isn't CerealThief."

He chuckled "Of course not. I'm Gusion. Nice to meet you my fated one."

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