Damsel In Distress

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I pointed my rifle on the man's forehead "Where are they?" I growled

The man was shaking and sweating bullets, he had witnessed me shoot all his comrades down mercilessly. "I'm giving you one more chance to speak. Where. Are. They?" I stretched out each word and he seemed to get the memo.

"P-please don't kill me! I-I'll show you where t-they are!" He got up and started walking. I made sure to keep my rifle pointed to the back of his head as I followed him.

"Harley. Gusion. Please be safe." After a while we stopped at a cell, relief washed over my face as I saw my little brother. "Harley!"

The boy with blonde curls looked up and his eyes lit up once it landed on me "Big sis!" He got up and ran toward the cell door "I knew you would come!"

I chuckled and scanned the cell again a frown made its way to my face "Where's Gusion?" I asked my voice laced with worry

The mention of the assassin's name made Harley's expression drop "H-He... He's getting his mana drained in place of mine."

My heart dropped "W-What? What happened? And you unlock the door!" I directed at the man that I still have my rifle directed at.

"Well I couldn't take another mana draining and Gusion knew this so he volunteered to do it in my place." Harley's expression got serious "Sister, you need to find him! He hasn't been back for 6 hours! That's too long to be draining someone's mana!"

I raised an eyebrow "Mana draining? Why would they need to do that? Wait 6 hours?!" My eyes widened "6 HOURS?!" I shouted.

I started panicking I knew fully well what that meant. I cursed under my breath. That was way too long. Way. Too. Long. The man I had taken hostage finally unlocked the cell door, right as he finished I knocked him out with my rifle.

Harley looked down at the unconscious man with an eyebrow raised "Wow uh sis."

"Harley do you know where they're keeping him?" I asked ignoring his previous comment

"Yes I can take you there." He offered

I was surprised at his eagerness to help. He usually hated Gusion but I shook my head "No you stay here just give me directions."

He huffed "Sis I'm fine!"

I narrowed my eyes at him "No and that's final."

He pouted and gave me the directions anyway.

I ran through the long corridor kicking open any door that was found only to not find anyone inside. Anyone that showed up was swiftly met with a bullet through their skull.

Finally I reached the last door. I kicked open the door to reveal 6 mages chanting a spell and a very weak Gusion chained to the wall.
His skin was pale and he had his eyes closed, he was taking deep shallow breaths.

The mages' chanting was interrupted as I started raining bullets at them. They scream and tried to cast some spells to stop me. A spell grazed my arm and I winced. "I need to speed this up" I thought as I used a grenade to avoid another spell.

After they were all dead I ran up to Gusion and placed my hand on his forehead. It was burning hot. I yelped and pulled my hand back.

"Les...ley?" He murmured as he opened his silvery blue eyes.

I smiled at him "I'm sorry I'm late." I whispered I turned my head scanning the room until I saw the keys. I walked over and grabbed it, walking back over to unlock the chains that held Gusion up.

He collapsed groaning as I freed him for the chains. I quickly propped him up and took out my flask of water. "Here drink this." I opened the flask and lifted it up to his lips helping him drink the water.

"Man you look like shit." Harley's voice rang out from behind me.

"Harley!" I shouted angry that he didn't listen to me. "Watch your language."

"Oops." Harley covered his mouth realizing what he'd said.

Gusion rolled his eyes at the boy "Try having your mana be drained for 6 hours. Not to mention all that chattering. Ugh I got sick of hearing that same chant for 6 hours."

I snorted "Well enough talk let's get out of here."


I opened the door to Gusion's room holding a tray of food. I walked over to where Gusion was laying, his eyes were closed and his chest heaved up and down at a steady pace indicating he was asleep.

I set the tray beside his bedside table. Grabbing a chair I dragged it near the bed and sat down. I caressed his face and brushed aside the hair that was blocking his eyes. I smiled his complexion had gotten better after he had some rest, food, and water. I leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

His eyes fluttered open and he immediately wrapped his hands around my waist and kept me there. "Good morning." I smiled while greeting him.

"You came." He smiled back sheepishly

"Of course." I replied while ruffling his hair. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Well... I thought you were still mad at me." His grip loosened.

"Mad?" I said confused "Mad at you for what?"

"You know for being a Paxley? The ones who caused the incident 8 years ago? Or how I got your brother dragged into this mess." He averted his eyes clearly feeling guilty "and also eating your dessert." He mumbled the last part.

I sighed "First off, holding a grudge against you when you've done nothing wrong is just plain stupid. You weren't the one who caused the incident were you? Second I don't blame you for dragging my brother into this. I asked you to watch out for him while I was away on a mission." I paused and remembered the last part "Hold on you were the one who ate the last slice of cheesecake?!

He chuckled nervously "Y-Yes?"

I felt my eye twitch "Damn right I would've left you there if I'd known."

He gulped "I'm sorry..."

I laughed "Oh god of course I wouldn't leave you over some stupid cheesecake."

"I promise I'll buy you all the cheesecake in the world after I recover." He chuckled.

"Good" I said ruffling his hair again. His hair was like Harley's fun to play with.

We stayed in awkward silence for a while not knowing what else to say. "You know you looked like a damsel in distress back there." I snickered breaking the silence.

His cheeks flushed and he started rambling "What?! Lesley! I'm not a damsel! Wait you know what better yet forget about it!"

I was now cracking up and dying of laughter "And miss the chance to tease you about this for the rest of your life? Never!"

He was hiding his face but I could tell how embarrassed he was seeing as his ears were so red.

While I was still laughing when he turned his head and moved his hands to cup my face and took the chance to seal a kiss on my lips.

We pulled apart after a while and I was left gaping at him. He smirked "You were saying?"

Now it was his turn to laugh at me. My cheeks turned bright red as he teased me. I got up and left the room, his pleas for me to come back getting more distant.

A/N: Oof ended this one on a pretty unsatisfying note. But I ran out of ideas for this one and wanted to get it over with ;v;

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